It seems to be easy to track the gorilla in ouganda; just buy a ticket and join a group...... but: flying to Addis, 700 km on the road, 2700 m about sea level, and than up and down in a deep forest, no light, only green and nothing to help, to stand....somebody falled on me by climbing down, snakes and all kind of things, but you don't care at this
making pictures since 35 years,
starting with black and white,
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photos prises par moi à paris ou pendant mes voyages - pictures from Paris or different trips around the world
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back from cuba, i will show you some pictures taken with my new nikon df and the vr 70-200mm f/2.8g; all pictures are taken with hig iso, the first 2 pictures with 2500 iso; all others with 4000 iso, all with f/3.2 or f/3.5; speed was 1/125s - 1/320s. the quality of the pictures with those hig iso: i never dreamed about it with my old d3x; please h
not only girls, womens and ladies are in cuba; cuba home of the macho man....some of them have really something more than an europeen man,.... me includeed---;)) I just try to fix them with my camera, they loved it, hope you like it too !! Some more words about the man with only one leg: he lost it beeing soldier in cuba, walking over a land mine..
back again in cuba, this time we are in vignales, the place of cigares in cuba, a little town, very easy living and a lot of fun, the only questions is; how long will it be like this? all pictures again with the nikon df, please have a look:
you have seen the country side of cuba: vignales, if you go: don't miss the dancing place in the evening nex
girls, womens and ladies have something special in cuba, a warm smile, always ready to be taken by the camera, lovely colors and beautiful eyes...all pictures with my d3x: clic to the first picture to have the slide show: thank you cliquez sur la première image pour mieux voir: merci clic auf das erste bild um besser zu sehen...: dankeschön
la ha
hello! i have moved my blog you can find now my new blog here: ****have a nice day****
hello! with the nikon df in cuba, the 2 pictures from the dancing show are taken with 8000 iso, please have a look:
please clic to the first picture to have the new slide show... cliquez sur la première image pour faire défiler les images en grand... clic auf das erste bild, um das "diapanorama" zu sehen
all pictures by albi with the nikon df...
22 players in a football game, two teams and one referee… i will show you 22 faces from ouganda and one from rwanda: close to the border of congo and rwanda i took these pictures in very friendly small towns, villages or just some houses between tea and banana plantations….with us was anisha from rwanda:
she said I am a bad boy; but isn’t see
with my nikon df on the road to trinidad; hasta la victoria siempre; always on my mind, but the reality is a little bit different:
no tire, but still smiling.....
please clic to the first picture to have slide show: bitte erstes bild anklicken... s.v.p. cliquez sur la première image...
all pictures by albi with nikon df; merci pour votre visite; t
bye, bye !!!! This will be one of my last worry, the last blog from "overblog"- i am moving to wordpress, same blog but with much more stuff and informations! Meanwhile some pictures from the easy going live in cuba: sunshine, music, nice boys and girls, a little bit of mojito...what do we need more? pictures are taken with my nikon d