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Je souhaite vous faire partager mes passions pour la vie, la musique, les voyages, ma lutte contre toutes ces maladies qui nous détruisent, mon soutien aux associations chères à mon coeur.
kity kity
Articles : 1048
Depuis : 20/06/2009
Categorie : Lifestyle

Articles à découvrir

En compagnie des Femmes Murdoch Mysteries

En compagnie des femmes murdoch mysteries

Girls rule! boys drool! that was the first thing that popped into my head when i spotted images for monday's new episode of murdoch mysteries. as you can see above, that's effie newsome, louise ...
Tuer votre voisin Murdoch Mysteries

Tuer votre voisin murdoch mysteries

After the fun of last week's murdoch mysteries episode "fox hunt," this one definitely takes a dark turn. and it also seems to rehash some much-traipsed ground. here's what the cbc has released for
Article de TV Eh sur l'épisodeMurdoch Cheks

Article de tv eh sur l'épisodemurdoch cheks

"it's great to see murdoch and ogden together in such an informal setting, and just enjoy each other's company. they work so well together, their skills combine to create a perfect detective team."
La saison 13 des enquêtes de Murdoch

La saison 13 des enquêtes de murdoch

Ce dimanche 17 novembre 2019 à partir de 21h05, france 3 diffuse la conclusion (en deux parties) de la douzième saison des enquêtes de murdoch . le protagoniste se retrouve face à une investiga...
Rigid Silence Murdoch Mysteries

Rigid silence murdoch mysteries

A familiar face returns to murdoch mysteries this week. yes, the former chief constable giles, played by the always-great nigel bennett-his back and forth with william in "what lies buried" is ... a familiar face returns to murdoch mysteries this week. yes, the former chief constable giles, played by the always-great nigel bennett-his back and for
Le procès de Terrence Meyers Murdoch Mysteries

Le procès de terrence meyers murdoch mysteries

Sad, but true. season 13 of murdoch mysteries is coming to a close. and with it, key appearances by beloved characters. last week's episode, "rigid silence," brought back chief constable giles. it ...
Les choses laissées pour compte Murdoch Mysteries

Les choses laissées pour compte murdoch mysteries

This is it, murdoch mysteries fanatics. the penultimate episode of season 13. and, with words like "team member" and "abducted" in the same sentence, we certainly have cause for worry. and hasn't ...
Tournage Murdoch Mysteries à Hamilton

Tournage murdoch mysteries à hamilton

Background actors dressed in period costumes run through rehearsal for scenes being shot in gage park wednesday morning for an upcoming episode of cbc's "murdoch mysteries." filming began tuesday on
Tuer votre voisin Murdoch Mysteries

Tuer votre voisin murdoch mysteries

After the fun of last week's murdoch mysteries episode "fox hunt," this one definitely takes a dark turn. and it also seems to rehash some much-traipsed ground. here's what the cbc has released for