Lunch with mel and jess. very interesting conversations about rights of gays (which they are) in australia and aborigines. some figures about aborigines i learnt : their life expectancy is twenty years less than white australian...
Un moi qui aime aimer et être aimé ; les mots sur les pages blêmes ; les images émouvantes et mouvantes ; converser, rencontrer, échanger, partager, danser, festoyer ; pérégriner dans des contrées réelles ou imaginaires...
Ses blogs
sylvain altazin
Un blog en acte, en mots, en images, en musique, en autres et en moi.
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(helene speaks, now – because i have no longer any time to write this diary. indeed, i prefer writing my french work in progress book, a blend of short stories, poems, screenplays, mundane and philosophical thoughts and so on...) monday 15 we took the bus to kangaroo valley. three hours. i slept. when i opened my eyes, the forest was everywhere a
Helene is flying to france tomorrow. as far as i'm concerned, i stay in melbourne for about half a year. melbourne is the more european city of ausstralia. definitely more cultural and artistic than sydney. i've found a share housing with nice and artist people. and now, i'm looking for a part-time job (french tutoring, entertainment, night life, c
Melissa and jessika live in marrickville (which is actually sydney), a very cosmopolitan area. cloudy afternoon. we went to the town of sydney, exhausted by the time difference. we saw the opera (not so exciting) and the business area which is just boring.
Alors pour faire bref, et cette fois en français... périple en vélo de canberra à wee jasper. chez suzanne et geoff, un couple d'australiens rencontré par hasard, en plein désespoir, nous avons passsé quinze jours. nos deux hôtes vivent dans une sorte de grande cabane bordélique, au milieu du bush, à 60 km du premier village. nous avons d
Exciting but cloudy and raining day. the schedule : marrickville, newtown and gebe. their architecture, their cafés, bookshops, organic shops, international fastfoods, etc.. sometimes, pictures talks better than words. before going back to home, we met an australian guy native to japan with his bike, looking for a park to set up his tent (which is
27°. sunny afternoon. ferry to manly. beach, swim and walk on the coasts and the harbour national park. short meetings with guys doing a barbecue.
Rain, clouds and wind. we went to the royal botanic gardens, hyde park barrack museum, king cross area where we found the “picolo café” held by an amazing italian guy. in this café, we met a couple from belgium and an other one from france. this one were at the end of his working holiday trip to australia. they hire a car, made fruit picking
I'm not sure i'll have the courage to write a diary. but if i have, it will be concise. and above all, it will be written in english. moreover, it's the only reason i try to write a diary : improving my english. when i read the previous texts (which come from a former blog), i bitterly notice that i stand stock-still. procrastination, lack of confi