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Vous donnera des informations de première main sur tout ce qui a trait à l'Afrique en général et au Sénégal en particulier.
Articles : 66
Depuis : 26/11/2004
Categorie : Mode, Art & Design

Articles à découvrir

Lesson plan/ fiche de cours

Lesson plan – format name: date: form/grade: period: class size: (gender ratio/ students’ profile) nature of lesson: reading comprehension / listening, etc. text title: references: skills: integrated (subskills: scanning, skimming, interpreting, inferring, questioning, predicting, visualizing, paraphrasing, summarizing, etc.) materials: objecti

Reading comprehension pour bac senegal 4

The new college campus imagine meeting someone who says s/he works at a university. some years ago, it would have been fairly safe to assume that s/he was a professor, and a member of the middle class with enviable job security. not anymore. two reports make clear that the nature of the college work force has changed substantially, possibly to the

Progression harmonisee des enseignements - anglais 5é/4é

Cinquieme cinquieme cinquieme competences contents exercises/ skills timing resources describing people present simple (to have, to be), height, weight, physical features, genitives, possessive adjectives, short answers gap filling (possessive adjectives) – dialogue completion, write a short paragraph 6 h textbooks, internet, teacher-designed mat

Reading comprehension pour bac senegal 3

Spanish conquest of native america 1. in the 15th century christopher columbus, who was well-read in geographical and theological literature and had extensive maritime experience, believed he could steer a westward course across the atlantic to asia. failing to gain support for his project in portugal, he decided to move to spain, where politically

Girls at war de achebe et secret lives de ngugi: étude du cadre

L’étude du cadre dans girls at war de achebe et secret lives de ngugi on ne saurait procéder à une étude complète des nouvelles de achebe et ngugi dans girls at war et secret lives sans s’appesantir sur l’importance du cadre spatio-temporel, qu’il soit villageois ou urbain ; précolonial ou colonial et surtout postcolonial. le cadre da

Reading comprehension pour bac senegal

Los angeles (ap) — a northern california couple went out walking their dog on their property when they stumbled across a modern-day bonanza: $10 million in rare gold coins buried in the shadow of an old tree. nearly all of the 1427 coins, dating from 1847 to 1894, are in uncirculated, perfect condition, said david hall, a specialist, who recently

Reading comprehension pour bac senegal 2

1 . whatever their faults, the current boundaries are considered untouchable by most african leaders and policymakers. although africa’s development needs, as well as its cultures, often cut across borders, realigning them could start a slide down a slippery slope that could create a multitude of states, few of them viable. nevertheless, some afr

Progression harmonisee des enseignements - anglais 1ere/2nde/terminale

Recommandations a la suite de la mise en œuvre de la p.h. pour plus d’efficience, il est impératif de prendre les mesures suivantes : · faire des évaluations formatives et sommatives communes. les évaluations formatives qui sont plus importantes dans le processus d’apprentissage, doivent nécessairement être suivies de séances de remédi

Progression harmonisee des enseignements - anglais 3é

Troisieme troisieme troisieme competences contents exercises/ skills timing resources expressing purpose for, in order to complete passage, make sentences 2 h textbooks, internet, teacher-designed material, etc. giving reasons questions, because, that’s why, in order to, for, as, etc. complete a dialogue, write a paragraph 4 h talking about the p

Completion exercise - pour bac senegal

Use the following words to complete the passage below affected, epidemic, contaminated, broke out, bat, disease, anticipate, carry when ebola ………………. in guinea a few months ago, no one could …………………. the speed with which the ……………………. would spread throughout neighboring countries. the first case, or what sp