Winter is coming ! no it is not games of throne, just yatching wintering works in the small port of st-tropez. in the end of october, the light is sweet on these dreaming yachts older than 100 years. a wink to these technicians who pamper with each autumn these majestic flat deck of last century. "l'hiver vient !" non ce n'est pas le trône de fer,
Photographe amateur.
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Pascal Herbin - Photos
Pour immortaliser des scènes de vie éphémères. Entre couleurs et noir & blanc. - To immortalize short-term scenes of life. Between colors and black & white
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The district of the montmartre hilok in winter. the babel tower, we hear quite all languages here. we get lost there, with a great pleasure. the images scroll and settle naturally on the chamber of the camera and show to the edition a surprising exoticism. le quartier de la butte montmartre en hiver. la tour de babel, on y entend toutes les langues
The mecca of the street painting, with the place du tertre, and her artists who give their rustic character to the butte montmartre. the life swarms, anyway, in a total freedom. only “bemol”, it is forbidden to photograph paintings at the risk to having troubles with the painter. in forty years of gap, this place and the neighboring alleys, did
A legendary village for me only, at this end of october 2014 when the light does not burnut colors, with the strange feeling to be alone in the world, unique survivor of a season which ends on the celtic holiday fainaïm, (halloween for usa) un village légendaire pour moi seul, en cette fin d'octobre 2014 où la lumière ne grille pas les couleurs
Ballad in unusual places in the marais, with this new concept of food track in a hall of restaurant, with a fashion exhibition and art, or this antique dealer who exposes directly in the street. difficult to think that i took these photos last week at these times indian summer of this end of october, 2014. ballade dans des lieux insolites dans le m
The images hunting restarts in this february sunny day with some timeless views of the cemetery montmartre, on 2015 or 1915 ?la chasse aux images redémarre en ce jour ensoleillé du mois de février, avec quelques vues intemporelles du cimetière montmartre, 2015 ou 1915 ?
Just the dream sunset light. juste la lumière de rève du couchant.
Laundries are always subjects of interest where we find unusual scenes of life in themes where get involved particular atmospheres. under these electric and cold lightings, the solitude reigns very often in master. the begining of a new serie. les laveries sont toujours des sujets d'intérêt où l'on trouve des scènes de vie insolites dans des d