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Articles : 1002
Depuis : 07/12/2008
Categorie : Mode, Art & Design

Articles à découvrir

Répertoire des articles d'attelage patrimoine.

Répertoire des articles d'attelage patrimoine.

Vous trouverez ci dessous les articles d' classés par thèmes et par auteurs. Classement par thèmes Classement par auteurs. Vous trouverez une présentation très accessible des articles en allant dans la catégorie "THEMES FAVORIS". Vous y trouverez: carnet adresse, bibliothèque ...
Driving Club History in a Button. L'histoire des clubs d'attelage en un bouton

Driving Club History in a Button. L'histoire des clubs d'attelage en un bouton

Private Driving Club, brass, marked Badge and Button Company, London, 1973- (waistcoat 1.7 cm). Private Driving Club, laiton, marqué Badge and Button Company, Londres, 1973- (gilet 1,7 cm). The more distinctive driving and coaching clubs were and are limited in the number of members wearing the club buttons on their coats and waistcoats. This mean
“Les cochers “ à Florence : 3ème Concours International AIAT

“Les cochers “ à Florence : 3ème Concours International AIAT

Camilla Cassina Antonio Mottin fait son entrée sur la Place « Santa Maria Novella » Enrico Cerruti Igino Soldi Chiara Moirano face au juge AIAT Richard Lanni Claudio Tronci Thomas Burini Luciano Bagnaschi Mario Bozzini Le défilé passe à côté de la cathédrale de Santa Croce : en premier plan Andra Palma
The Greyhound and the catskins; Earl of Shrewsbury’s horse drawn adventures / Le Greyhound et les catskins; Les aventures hippomobiles du Comte de Shrewsbury

The Greyhound and the catskins; Earl of Shrewsbury’s horse drawn adventures / Le Greyhound et les catskins; Les aventures hippomobiles du Comte de Shrewsbury

Its body was painted white, the undercarriage vermillion. The Greyhound had to take the steepest hills and go down on the most tortuous roads twisting like a corkscrew. For two years the Earl of Shrewsbury ran his coach from Buxton to Alton Towers. The Earl established also one of the largest cab firms of the capital, despite yearly strikes of the
Coaching in India, taken from oblivion. Le Coaching en Inde, tiré de l'oubli.

Coaching in India, taken from oblivion. Le Coaching en Inde, tiré de l'oubli.

There is no doubt that the British regiments brought coaching as a sport to India in an effort to create an atmosphere like at home. “We noticed the gallant colonel, at home as ever, on the regimental drag, handling as raw a team as ever had their head trough a collar withall the ease and equanimity of the Jehu of coaching times”, reported Bell
When an actress takes over the reins ‘All the world’s a stage’. Quand une actrice prend les guides « Le monde entier est une scène »

When an actress takes over the reins ‘All the world’s a stage’. Quand une actrice prend les guides « Le monde entier est une scène »

“When driving, it is most important that a woman should sit correctly. She should hold herself erect, without stiffness; her feet should be together and her knees slightly bent. She should neither sit with her knees straight nor, what is worse, be perched on the edge of the seat with her feet back; she should never while driving loll against the