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Shamrocking in Ireland !

Our trip to Ireland !
Section Européenne Section Européenne
Articles : 56
Depuis : 07/02/2014
Categorie : Tourisme, Lieux et Événements

Articles à découvrir

The history of Northern Ireland and the Troubles, an article written by Martin S.

The history of Northern Ireland and the Troubles, an article written by Martin S.

The period from 1668 to 1998 is called "The Troubles" because of his violent conflict between the Unionist and the Republican or the Nationalist. The origin of this strife, between religion and territory: During the 17th century, England succeeded in controlling Ireland. Consequently, much land, mainly in the north, was colonized. The English were
Plantation in Ireland: Ulster Plantation an article written by Amasha P. and Eléonore D.

Plantation in Ireland: Ulster Plantation an article written by Amasha P. and Eléonore D.

Ulster is one of four provinces of Ireland. The main city of Ulster is Belfast. Ulster is the most Gaelic area of Ireland and the only province that totally escaped British control. The English planted loyal citizens in the north of Ireland. They gave land to the English and Scottish and they built fortified houses: cities like in Derry (Londonderr
Murals charged with history in Belfast​ by Léna Corban

Murals charged with history in Belfast​ by Léna Corban

On the third day, we went to Belfast and before going shopping, a guide got on the bus to explain the story of some of Belfast's murals. Firstly, I had thought that this tour would be boring and not very funny. However after some very interesting explanations, I started to find this visit very interesting. I didn't expect to see so much sectarianis
King Billy an article written by Francis C.

King Billy an article written by Francis C.

WILLIAM III was born in the Hague in the Netherlands in 1650, he married his cousin Mary Stuart in 1677 and died in 1702. The reason why William "King Billy" is very important in Irish history is because he secured the future of the protestant religion by his victory at the battle of Boyne. Initially he governed the Dutch Republic but because he wa