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Comdev Apostolic Vicariate Phnom Penh

Comdev Apostolic Vicariate Phnom Penh

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Poum Soksan News

News from Peace Village - Poum Soksan in Takeo province, Kingdom of Cambodia
Comdev Apostolic Vicariate Phnom Penh Comdev Apostolic Vicariate Phnom Penh
Articles : 12
Depuis : 19/12/2013
Categorie : Associations & ONG

Articles à découvrir

Storm on Poum Soksan

Storm on poum soksan

Last friday, a violent an local storm hit peace village making tiles fly away. some of them have fall through the roofs of corrugated sheets of the houses. the roof of the playing area has also collapsed. there is luckily no victim nor people injured. the roof of the houses have already been repaired but some tiles are still missing. the metallic s
A new car for DYCFE

A new car for dycfe

Thank to the generosity of the missionaries of charity who gave to dycfe center their former minibus, from now on the center can organize a bus service to pick up every day the children who live far from the center.
Chaul Tchnam Thmey

Chaul tchnam thmey

The khmer new year celebration in peace village took place a few days before the usual date to allow all the people living and working there to join. after sharing dinner prepared by the st françois school cookers, the birthday cake was divided for all the people present here. atfer that everybody attended the spectacle performed by the youth.
Visit of Bishop Olivier

Visit of bishop olivier

On the occasion of the celebration of the 4th anniversary of his episcopal ordination, bishop olivier schmitthaeusler, atfer celebrating mass in our lady of the smile church of chomkarcheang, gave a tour of peace village to mrs claire ly meeting the children of the center and the families.
Medical examination

Medical examination

Two spanish neurologist and physiotherapist have spent 5 days in the center for disabled children to examine all the children of the center. the neurologist could deliver a precise diagnosis of the patholigy of each child whereas the physiotherapist provided individuallized method and advice to the staff and parent following the diagnosis. a team o
First rain in Peace Village

First rain in peace village

Since december there have had been no rain in peace village. but as the temperature is getting hotter and hotter, the weather goes to storms with heavy rain that makes the ricefields almost immediatly greener and refills the dry ponds. heavy rain on ricefields
The kitchen about to move

The kitchen about to move

Thank to the generosity of singaporean donators a new kitchen for peace village has been build last year. the last adjustement are being done in these day to make it operative soon. this kitchen is used to cook the food for the children of the preshool, the disabled children of the center and the student living in peace village. two bricklayer buil
Together for Peace

Together for peace

Last monday all peace village has got together to celebrate new year and peace. after a shared dinner on the volleyball field, the dyfce center housed a spectacle performed by the youth of the preschool and living in the center. as a founder of peace village, bishop olivier joined us for this moment of joy and friendship. together for peace on 20th
New kitchen operative !

New kitchen operative !

The new kitchen is now operative with an easier access to water and a concrete building to store food and equipment. following the khmer custom, the food is cooked outside under the awning
Gifts from Australia

Gifts from australia

Happy to give, happy to receive this easter monday, the children of peace village, returning to school after two weeks of vacation for khmer new year, had big smiles on there faces. the reason of such a strange behaviour ? the hundred named bags put in front of a group of australian teacher ewho are waiting for them. after a first visit in peace vi