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Mélina J.

Mélina J.

Tags associés : video, vlog

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Mélina J.'s blog

Seems I'm not here anymore...
Mélina J. Mélina J.
Articles : 25
Depuis : 15/12/2013
Categorie : Lifestyle

Articles à découvrir

The afternoon vlog

Guest starring Baby Dog...and the alarm clock... Well, I like to have the date in my vlogs, as I don't always upload in chronological order... Well, they've been spraying insecticide as there was a dengue alert in the region... (This vlog was filmed last month...) And yeah, you can tell... (Nope, I wasn't having a cold... My nose, well, it's always

Raining on my plans...

Well, hopefully the weather will be better tomorrow... Enfin bref... PS : there are 2 vlogs that are awaiting to be edited, should be coming soon... ^_^

Yi fuuuuuuuuuuu ! ^_^

我喜欢衣服,更喜欢特价。。。^_^ 现在就期待快递哥来派送我的包裹咯。。。呵呵。。。 English subtitles are available. Sous-titré français.

Incense is bleh

A glimpse of my day... (October 24th). Still wondering : if Baby Dog turned into a human, how old would he be ? So, it seems that bees wax doesn't cool as fast as jojoba oil and other stuff... Figured that out a few minutes ago, after I put a bit of homemade foundation on my arm to see the colour and if any bad reaction would occur (although, excep

Autumn vlog

New "Baby Vlog" ^_^ Sorry, I kind of forgot again that this camera doesn't automatically change the brightness... Oopsy (again)... ^_^ So yeah, instead of just making podcasts with a static image, l just go with filming Baby Dog instead. Well, I know that you probably don't perceive him the same way I do, but anyway, yeah... ^_^ (If I had a smartph

The boredom is real...

没什么事干。不过没关系,多拍视频也好,对不对? ^_^ English subtitles are available. Sous-titrés français. (Next vlog in English should be up on monday. This one is from the 28th, the ones yet to come are from last week and should be up in a chronological order).

Baby dog loves fish...

Vlog from October 26th. Baby Dog has his own way of fishing : waiting under the table for it to fall into his mouth...