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patient benjamin apollinaire

patient benjamin apollinaire

J'aime L'histoire est tout ce qui fait que ça devient intéressante

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patient benjamin apollinaire patient benjamin apollinaire
Articles : 80
Depuis : 28/04/2009
Categorie : Emploi, Enseignement & Etudes

Articles à découvrir

African slave trade, a form of european imperialism

Introduction trade has always been a vehicle for economic growth, through it, people have been able to interact, exchange ideas and more importantly to strengthen the economic machine of a nation; because trade implies the transfer of goods, services and ownership from one person to the other, from one place to another. it also requires the produce

The girl and the mulolo tree

The girl and the mulolo tree there is a time when stories from grand parents can just be boring, mostly in the age of technology in which i can get what i want by a click on the internet. but it sometimes is interesting to listen to those stories as they do contain something which is not yet available in the internet. they do have some historical f

Comparison of oral tradition and other sources of african history

Introduction a source is anything that can be used to give information about an event, which took place in the past; the source can be a person, an object, an artifact or the remains. sources depend more upon what the historian is looking for, it usefulness depends more upon the evidence it is carried. samuel a. nyanchoga (2008), states that: sourc

Agriculture in the democratic republic of congo

1. introduction due to in mineral strength, many has been thinking that, the prosperity of congo is based on mineral, but the reality has been that mineral, is only bringing war, division and inequality so that the country is not really enjoying the prestige of being a geological scandal. agriculture though insignificant, remains the heart for the

Education in d.r.congo

Introduction education in african societies existed long time ago before the western education; educational specialists have agreed upon a philosophy which was united and constituted the summary of education in africa, however each and every society has its own way of approaching education. in congo, modern education started with the foundation of

Vœu de chastete 

Vœu de chastete introduction le catéchisme de l'église catholique, définit « la chasteté comme une intégration réussie de la sexualité dans la personne et par là l'unité intérieure de l'homme dans son être corporel et spirituel. » il est difficile de définir exhaustivement la chasteté dans les dialectes africaines. toutefois, nous p

Karl marx and saint augustine on historical causation

Introduction the study of history is the study of causes, said e.h. carr; michael stanford to explain by saying that: “the whole universe is in ceaseless motion, and change is the order of the day”. four courses of energy as distinguished by pure nature: naturally things occur nature in the service of man: action of man human societies with the

Un confinement contre coronavirus a la manière de chez nous

Un confinement contre coronavirus a la manière de chez nous nous avons eu la chance de vivre un confinement pas comme les autres !!! quelle chance !! tout commence avec l’annonce d’un avion venu de la capitale qui selon les informations avait en son bord des individus qui avaient les virus ; deux individus précisément. les autorités avaient