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Illustrateur résidant à Paris, les styles de vie et les traits de caractère sont au cœur de mes dessins. french illustrator living in paris, my satirical cartoons are generally focused on social interactions and current events.

Ses blogs

le blog de taavetti / taavetti's doodles

Des illustrations de presse, des planches et des dessins plus personnels... Press illustrations, strips and more personal drawings ... Copyright © David Cessac - All Rights Reserved
Taavetti Taavetti
Articles : 61
Depuis : 24/12/2007
Categorie : Littérature, BD & Poésie

Articles à découvrir

Invasion of the urban foxes in London...

Invasion of the urban foxes in London...

In recent years, foxes have become more visible in London. Noticeably bolder than their country cousins, it's not rare to encounter one of theses urban foxes roaming the streets in the evening...
A Few Parisians: Untapped Cities introduces its newest column

A Few Parisians: Untapped Cities introduces its newest column

Untapped Cities launches its newest column, A Few Parisians, by David Cessac, in which he will draw the quirky characters he comes across in the various neighborhoods of Paris. These characters each represent, in their own way, a specific feature of the capital through their styles and attitudes. Every other week, a new ‘typical’ Parisian will