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Illustrateur Animateur Flash freelance Freelance Illustrator FLash animator

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Simon "Hutt" TFreelance Art Director / Animator / Illustrator / Character designer / Background artist /
Hutt Hutt
Articles : 107
Depuis : 07/10/2008
Categorie : Jeux & Jeux Vidéo

Articles à découvrir

"Combo Crew : Prequel"

"combo crew : prequel"

Tout droit sorti de mon disque dur, mes premiers tests sur combo, quand le jeu devait encore etre tout en 2d. ca date ! straight from the vault, early sketch and 2d animation i made on combo. ( yeah, at the beginning, the game was supposed to be in 2d )
"Combo Crew : Level 08"

"combo crew : level 08"

Voila, voila, on arrive doucement sur le dernier article concernant combo crew . en regardant un peux en arriere, je vois la progression effectuée entre mes premiers et derniers travaux. que ce soit sur la creation des persos, la transcription visuelle de leur charactéristique gameplay, l'efficacité des themes de couleurs, l'importance de la dis
"TMNT : Sewer 01"

"tmnt : sewer 01"

One more big achievement that i can cross on my "badassjobtodolist" : - work on a tmnt game. for nickelodeon, and paramount. check. tmnt. guys !!!! tmnt ... "tortues ninjaaaaaaa" as i use to call them when i was a 8 year old boy, playing with my tmnt toys, in my backyard, with my little brother. donny has always been my fav. don't really know why.


Un petit vendeur dans son epicerie américaine en deux photos et un gif. freeky grocery owner in his shop. 2 pictures for one gif.
"Combo Crew : Level 07"

"combo crew : level 07"

Un peux de couleurs et de recherches pour les persos de combo crew. la baguarre. more stuff i made for combo crew !!! visual research with bad guys and colors.
" Combo Crew - Level 05 "

" combo crew - level 05 "

Des petits morceaux de décors, toujours pour le jeu combo crew . avec des pneus, de l'huile, et des ice cream. little background's chunk i made for combo crew. tires, gas and ice cream. #combocrew #videogame #beatthemup
" Combo Crew : level 06 "

" combo crew : level 06 "

Encore un peux de décors et des poses 2d pour les premières anims de sporty, le dude de base. other background and close up and the first 2d key pose for sporty, mr boss footsoldier. #combocrew #videogame #beatthemup #hutt #frenchtouch
" Squids Odyssey : Artworks "

" squids odyssey : artworks "

A tout les amateurs de fruit de mers... cette semaine sort sur wii u notre nouveau jeu, #squidsodyssey, gros remix de squids et squids wild west, deja dispo sur smartphone. j'ai eu la chance de pouvoir bosser sur une nouvelle map, et du contenu exclusif a cette version console, qui viennent s'ajouter au travail impressionnant de jerome renéaume ,
"TMNT : Sewer 02"

"tmnt : sewer 02"

#shredder #tmnt #videogame for my last job, i had to design all the characters for this #tmnt videogame. it was a real blast, especially working on the bad guys. because i had a total liberty to create them. thugs, foot clan, mutants, boss... so rad. for the turtle, it was the opposite. i had to stuck to mr bay franchise reboot guidelines. all abou
" TMNT : Sewer 03 "

" tmnt : sewer 03 "

So finally, turtles are here guys. here are some cutscene artworks i made for this tmnt game. the job was to adapt michael bay's turtle design to our cartoon/cell-shade artstyle. after a lot of retakes, ( like too many ... ) we end up with this design, more colorfull, less detailled that the movie style. plus, some mutant and bad guys design ! #tmn