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Saeed K.

Saeed K.

Professeur de langues et traducteur Languages professor and translator

Ses blogs

Le Pont de Babel-Sérail

Compréhension contextuelle et intellectuelle de l'islam. Dialogue philosophique inter-religieux et inter-culturel. Quête de l'essence, de la science, de la conscience et de la quintessence.
Saeed K. Saeed K.
Articles : 105
Depuis : 09/02/2013
Categorie : Religions & Croyances


Contextual and intellectual understanding of Islam. Philosophical, inter-religious and inter-cultural dialogue. The quest for essence, science, consciousness and quintessence.
Saeed K. Saeed K.
Articles : 55
Depuis : 03/05/2013
Categorie : Religions & Croyances

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Dynamic Conformity - Our Brave New World

Dynamic conformity - our brave new world

“our "increasing mental sickness" may find expres­sion in neurotic symptoms. these symptoms are con­spicuous and extremely distressing. but "let us beware," says dr. fromm, "of defining mental hygiene as the prevention of symptoms. symptoms as such are not our enemy, but our friend; where there are symp­toms there is conflict, and conflict alw
Reason and divine law

Reason and divine law

Highlights from the movie al-massir (destiny), averroes's speech averroës, medieval latin averrhoës, also called ibn rushd, arabic in full abū al-walīd muḥammad ibn aḥmad ibn muḥammad ibn rushd (born 1126, córdoba [spain]—died 1198, marrakech, almohad empire [now in morocco]), influential islamic religious philosopher who integrated is