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Kenpo Aito Christian

Kenpo Aito Christian

association de type "Loi 1901" dont le but est la pratique du Kenpo, de l' Aito Self-Defense et sportif

Ses blogs
Kenpo Aito Christian Kenpo Aito Christian
Articles : 26
Depuis : 07/01/2013
Categorie : Associations & ONG

Articles à découvrir

This fascinating piece of newsreel film was probably shot in Paris during 1912. The first section shows Takisaburo Tobari demonstrating a formal series of jiujitsu waza (techniques), partnered by Taro Miyake. There follows a spectacular display of jiujitsu as gentlemanly self defence against "apaches" (Parisian street gangsters).
Kenpo Aito Christian shared a link.

Kenpo Aito Christian shared a link.

Combat Sambo Federation of Kirovograd, Ukraine. Федерация боевого САМБО в Кировограде приглашает всех желающих на тренировки. Возраст и физическая подготовка, значения не имеют.