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LanonChild LanonChild
Articles : 5
Depuis : 15/02/2018
Categorie : Littérature, BD & Poésie

Articles à découvrir

The Illusory Weakness

The Illusory Weakness

I want to talk about this subject which is interesting to study since it is a theme that often comes up in a life. It is an idea that has been generalized especially in our Western society and that we are witnessing today many problems related to it. The origin of this idea comes from the fact that we currently live in a capitalist system where a p
Questions & Answers

Questions & Answers

1. Psychosis. Since the medecines were not working to heal this mental illness, I had to learn pretty quickly how the nervous system, thoughts, anxiety, creativity and chemistry of food works at this state where the nervous system is overactive. So I've got some intuitive knowledge through this experience to really heal from this. I don't wanted to
Words Painting

Words Painting

Beauty in the mind, we are the next solar beam. Around our hands, there is some shade of purple love. We are not alone, we are seeing our life in a new creator. The snow in our silky hair caresses our brain of dreams. Broken wings, our tears are disappearing in the space. Our light grow in our darkness, it’s not a nightmare time. Let me tell abou
The Identity and Influences in Youth

The Identity and Influences in Youth

One of the aspects to be understood in the individual evolution of the human being is the importance of the depersonalization of psychology. What does that mean? It is to wring from the ego all its mechanized attachments via dogmas, philosophies, spirituality and even ways of thinking that no longer serve its individual evolution. But first there i
The Loneliness

The Loneliness

I wanna develop about this subject because I think it's important. Our society is very based on individuality where technologies make an opening window towards a world map of opinions. So with internet, the influence became very present for every new cohorts of people; that was less problematic and paying attention to influence was not important in