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Julien Julien
Articles : 463
Depuis : 17/02/2012
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le superbe blog de las vegas
Julien Julien
Articles : 248
Depuis : 22/01/2007
Categorie : Économie, Finance & Droit

Articles à découvrir

How To Leverage the Science of Relationships to Gain True Influence

How to leverage the science of relationships to gain true influence

If you define influence by the size of your klout score, you can stop reading this right now. if you believe influence is driven by the creation of a re janlgordon's insight:this is a great article by copyblogger on how to gain true influence and the "science" behind leveraging are some highlights:*. influence is driven by creati
Why You Need to Know the Difference Between Customer Loyalty and Advocacy

Why you need to know the difference between customer loyalty and advocacy

Customer loyalty and advocacy are not interchangeable concepts - a loyal customer is not necessarily an advocate... janlgordon's insight:this wonderful piece was written by sam fiorella. as he states in the original title of this article "customer loyalty and advocacy are not interchangeable" not understanding this can hurt your are s
This 86-Year-Old Congressman Totally Gets Google...

This 86-year-old congressman totally gets google...

This 86-year-old congressman totally gets google glass kevin alansky (@alansky) june 24, 2013 google glass might look like a future-far away device reserved only for the tech-obsessed gadget nerd population, but as rep. john dingell - who, having spent 57 of his 86 years on this earth, is the longest serving congressman - sho
How to Create Content that is Meaningful, Provocative and Keeps them Coming Back

How to create content that is meaningful, provocative and keeps them coming back

The internet is full of people sharing interesting things all day. from liking pictures on facebook to retweeting cool articles, sharing is something everyone enjoys doing in one way or another. yet receiving likes and retweets can seem impossible. janlgordon's insight:i selected this post by dashburst because i thought the suggestions were very he