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Rueda´s world tours

Alejandro Alejandro
Articles : 8
Depuis : 27/09/2016
Categorie : Photographie

Articles à découvrir

tourisme and environment,a difficult combination?

tourisme and environment,a difficult combination?

Toronto News Alejandro R and Juan Luis R 17/01/2017 Tourisme and environment A difficult combination? Wood Buffalo National Park Description: It's a national park located at Alberta and northwest, Canada. Is the largest national park in Canada with 44, 807 km2 larger than Switzerland in area and the second larger in the world Environment: The park
things to do on Montreal

things to do on Montreal

Montreal is the second largest city in Canada and so there is a lot to do. I will quote 5 things to do:1. Old Montreal: the historic building and Eropean architecture of the century, the museum, the typical small restaurants and the magnificent Notre Dame de Montreal.2. Mount Royal Park: Created in 1876 is one of the largest park in Montreal, locat
canada`s origins

canada`s origins

the first people who arives in Canada was in 1500 and 3000 years ago across the land brich who join asia and north america. They was called aboriginals(the people who wend there first)Canadas first people use at list 53 langguiges.first Eropeens arive 1000 years ago they arives for the beevers becaus the hats are made of beevers. the french had a w
Des expression quebequoises

Des expression quebequoises

En Qebec il y a des expression tres clasique comme: tire-toi une búche ,qui veut dire: prendre une chase. chauffer le chair ,qui veut dire: conduire une voiture. se faire prendre pour une valise qui veut dire: prendre quelqu'un pour un idiot l'affaire est ketchup, veut dire 3 choses: 1- les choses vont bien 2- l'activite est termine 3- notre tache
Petite histoire de Canada

Petite histoire de Canada

Canada a été découvert au XVI par Jaques Cartier.Il a planté une croix avec trois fleurs de lys et en haut une phrase qui dit << Vive le roi de France>>.Les autochtones observaient ce qu'ils étaient entrain de faire.Le chef de indiens était furieux et venait avec ses frères et ses fils. Il disait que ces terres étaient a lui et qu'ils ne po
Ce que tu doit faire au centre du Canada

Ce que tu doit faire au centre du Canada

Montréal est la deuxième plus grande ville au Canada et donc il y a beaucoup de choses a faire. je vais vous citer 5 choses a faire: 1. vieux Montréal: lá on vera les edifice historique et l'architecture eropéenne de se siecle, le musée, les petits restaurant typique et le superbe, Notre Dame de Montreal. 2. le parc Mont-Royal :Crée en 1876
Canada`s traditional food

Canada`s traditional food

one ol the mous famous ingedient of the cuisin of canada are bacon and maple sirup one of The moust famouscanadian recipe on canada is the cornmeal bacon. is a fine cut of loin with bacon. a sweet thingh for the end the berry cream pie is another traditional desert in Canada. is made of soft cream berrys and an cruspu courtly.
little history of canada

little history of canada

Canada was discovered in the XVI by Jaques Cartier.He planted a cross with three fleurs de lys and at the top a sentence which says "Vive le roi de France." The natives observed what they were doing. Chief of the Indians was furious and came with his brothers and sons. He said that these lands were his and that they could not plant anything without