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Helen Helen
Articles : 17
Depuis : 16/08/2015
Categorie : Lifestyle

Articles à découvrir

RnB Dance Tracks 85

Alison Wonderland - I Want U (Ganz Flip) Cri$tyle – Few Good Men Eric Dawkins – I Hate Kristal “Tytewriter” Oliver – Believer La Roux - Paradise Is You Nicole S

Charlie and the big challenge of multiculturalism today

Writing about the attack on the premises of the Charlie Hebdo magazine a week after the event, runs the risk of saying what has been already said so many times. A week is eternity in digital terms, but given the strong impact of the shooting and the reactions to it, it deserves a consideration that results from a bit slower digestion. Following the

Being a single founder with a speech impediment

I’ve been working on full-time for the last six months. Ive put everything I have into the company. My life savings (twice over), waves of constant stress, and declined lucrative offers at other bay area startups. is my lifes work. I truly love working on it. I’ve had a speech impediment (stutter) ever since I was in gra

Complètement ensuqué

(Texte initialement publié sur Tumblr) ensuqué, ensuquée, adjectif Régional. Assommé, endormi sous l’effet du soleil, dune drogue, etc. (Larousse) Chez moi, ce matin, en train d’écouter le dernier album de Junip, pas vraiment endormi mais pas complètement réveillé non plus, quand ce mot mest revenu à l’esprit. Je me suis dit : c’e

Review: Boyhood

Directed by Richard Linklater • 2014 • 165 min One of cinema’s defining features is its ability to capture duration. Unlike the photograph, giving us a snapshot of a single moment, film provides a record of the passing of time. We acknowledge this every time we look to the news for truth or watch a home movie nostalgically. Their perceived va

Future Jobs: Automated Cab Fleet Manager

In the future companies like Uber or Google may have fleets of self-driving cars, ferrying goods and people around cities. While the fleet and fleet management will be automated a manager will exist to solve problems caused by bugs and viruses in the system. This position will be part-time manager, part-time engineer. The manager keeps an eye on al

Brief Encounter…

The day after the first MRI scan I started the day with an experience which has now become a part of my daily life; I awake, lay for a few brief moments blissfully unaware of everything that is happening, then I remember. The momentarily state where I make the transition between being asleep to being fully awake is like a tiny buffer which gives me

Inception and Narnia

Cobb’s revelation at the end of Inception reminds me of Puddleglum’s victory over the Emerald Witch in “The Silver Chair,” book four of C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia. I think each scene might shed light on the other. At the climax of “The Silver Chair,” deep in an underground country, the evil queen has bewitched our heroes into be

The Predictable Demise of a Company Called Facebook

I’d like to propose a Moores Law for social networks. This of course is entirely unscientific, but it seems appropriate, at least anecdotally. The life of a prominent social network doubles the life of a preceding successful social network. When I think of Facebook, Im struck by the weight of the service. I’m not talking about the billion+ user

The monsters and men of Mission Bay

It happened on a winter’s morning. I was hanging up some washing when I noticed that the sun, that dubious character who I hadn’t seen for a while, was out and about. “I must make use of this,” I thought, and all at once the impulse to do some exercise came over me. I thought back to the good old days of a couple of months ago when I was cu