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Les nouvelles du jour du sunday toujours aussi bloody ! memoires revenues. la photo, ci-dessous, montre une voiture avec la publicité d'une entreprise située... dans la forêt domaniale vatable près de chez moi, en martinique ! aucune entreprise n'y existe, à moins de technologie alien de camouflage. aucune personne de cette entreprise n'a jama
Today is the demonstration and proof of what i wrote on different issues
Today is the demonstration and proof of what i wrote on different issues, coming from reliable sources ! even more testifying as a 7-star general - what is considered as non debatable - with evidences brought to different courts, here are somme additional informations you might consider as the demonstration and proof of all my writings on orion56.
To live like a robot ... 1- « china is monitoring employees' brain waves and emotions — and the technology boosted one company's profits by $315 million » (source : business insider) here could be the best example of what could be to live like a robot, with human technologies, while we will talk on high level counscieness technologies on the se
News of the day : my terrible day for french coup preparation
News of the day : my terrible day for french coup preparation nouvelles du jour : un terrible jour pour moi en preparation d'un coup d'etat francais. important/urgent: je ne fais que subir la torture destructrice continuelle - nuits et jours - avec des bourdonnements, venant d'une distance de 5 km ou des appartements contigus, dont la sonorité a
Ce que je retiens d'un mariage dit royal ... 1- ce que je retiens du mariage anglais meghan-harry : « coraux: 1% seulement du plus grand récif japonais reste sain » (source : afp) voici, en exemple, le contre-coup du nouveau commonwealth prôné par la reine d'angleterre qui a détruit plus de 80% du récif corallien australien. sa haine vomitiv
I wiil never forget what they did for a world coup ! 1- » professor apologizes for helping cambridge analytica harvest facebook data » (source : new york times). after getting free from any congressmen charges, mark zuckerberg, the « owner » of boh facebook and cambridge analytica, who made their data collection strategy, shift from his own res
Trump's legacy and a french top chef's legacy ... 1- trump's legacy. here are the latest articles from american newspapers. it's all about that, the trump's legacy ! no comments are usefull or needed, except one article based on trmp and macron meeting. 1-1. "trump 'won't be involved' in special counsel's russia probe." 'source : ap). the headline
The cold war : a real threat for humans ... or the real name of a war between "terminators" and virus from the nothingness creator (but not only). 1- viruses and bacteria, from the notingness creator, studied on earth : do you remember the huge earthquake, which rocks iran, iraq and part of turkey on the main borders with iran, on last november 201
Vous pouvez désormais tous trembler.... you can now all shake....
Vous pouvez désormais tous trembler.... you can now all shake.... vous pouvez désormais tous trembler devant la colère du dieu que je suis ! n'en doutez pas, on ne s'octroie pas le titre de dieu, car seuls vos pairs peuvent vous conférer ce titre. les faux dieux volent un titre qui ne leur est pas dû pour faire le mal et ils en meurent sous la
Rough draft of clouded news of the day by real or fake news introduction : what's new ? as i have heard (through wires), some of my readers wrote, following my last article, that the share-agreement between macron and french journalists was "a non-aggression pact but a proliferation one" ! for sure, we are following a positive image campaign, not o