Today, the almost big boss of my dear company came to visit us. crisis time, things needed to be laid down. result: french one. one hour meeting to say nothing... to say that we have been going through a hard crisis, but that the future is bright,k and we are so sure that there is a high potential in germany, and we are going to give you business f
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It's been now 4 years since i first arrived in munich. time to look back, and understand why i am still there.. 4 years, in which a lot happened: a new flat, 3 new jobs, my niece that came to the world, a lot of travels around europe, my experience as a dancer on the stage of the munich opera house, lots of friends that came, that went, etc... and
Maurice béjart. pina bausch and now, merce cunningham, on jul 27th 2009. another giant gone. another milestone in the history of modern dance. the father of one of the 5 official modern dance techniques. merce cunningham, 90 y.o.. ok this would have happened one day. but so close to pina? can the fathers and mothers of modern dance survive when th
One of the most spoken about exhibitions has stopped in munich for a few months: the tutankhamun exhibition, showing the treasures that have been found in the pharao's tumb. 2008 in london, the exhibition is now installesd in the olympia park in munich, in the former olympic velodrom. depsite the entrance price that would prevent many of us to go (
Oberhaching tomorrow, i am starting a new job. i am quite excited to see how it is going to be. am going to become a consultant in marketing automation. sounds good, don't you think? maybe some day i will explain you what it means. but for now, i would like to talk about commuting. because yes, the job is unfortunately ca. 25 km away from where i l
I have been back to munich for almost a week now. after 4 weeks in paris. it feels like a new birth. it's really weird. i was walking in the streets today, and i did not know if that was my town (and i say town, not city, because everything is so close, "gemütlich"), if i was in my town, then, or if i was a tourist discovering a new place. it was
Rebonjour à tous! après 3 semaines de vacances (dont une au burkina faso, je publierai peut etre quelques photos bientôt), 4 semaines à paris pour le boulot, me voici de retour dans mon petit home munichois... et je vais commencer par une anecdote qui m'est arrivée il y a deux semaines. je voulais partir à londres pour le week end... episode
A few pics of my day in salzburg. with the sunset on the mountains..
I had almost forgotten i had a blog and a few days ago, a friend of mine reminded me of it. so i thought it would be nice to start this blog again. it was not easy to find a topic to write on, provided that i will not summarize all the months where i have not written anything. some souvenirs will probably appear here and there in the next few weeks
Pina bausch photographed by © gert weigelt pina bausch is gone. yesterday, on tuesday june, 30th. she was one of the major figures in the history of dance in the 20th century, and has revolutionned the relation of the dancer to the floor, and its dance technique. one year and a half after maurice bejart's goodbye, contemporary dance is losing one