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I am 25, just finished masters at uni in environmental management in Brisbane, Australia. I'm originally from France, but seems like I've been doing my best to keep away from that place ever since. At the moment, the story is that I'm heading towar
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Jubilees of Zion

We are five. We are all individually attracted and passionate about the east coast of Africa whether for the people, the environment or the local art. We land in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia on May 9th. We're heading towards Capetown... no rush, all the time in the world... that's the plan!
GringO GringO
Articles : 23
Depuis : 02/01/2007
Categorie : Tourisme, Lieux et Événements

Articles à découvrir

Addis to Moyale

From Addis we head to Ziwai ... A smallish town on the road south -well known for its ancient churches situated on Islands dotted around Lake Ziway. We walk to the lake the first morning and are confronted by a violent man with facial scars who demands money for the use of his road - behind him a wild dog tears at the throat of a dead horse and ham
We are all mango trees

We are all mango trees

Dugout canoe on Lake Malawi Since the last update, a bomb has exploded in the group and the remainings are spread out over a few countries. Zimbabwe and South Africa for Tom, Shan and Paul. In Capetown Tom is working for a sweet radio station ( and Paul ( is meditating on

first week on the road

hello from ethiopia, right now im in the land of ferfer (stew with enjera (sour pancake) and tibs (bits of cow), lots of patries, burgers and pizza, so the food here isnot so great, though we did have a big feast of raw meat chunks (cow), tibs and ferfer. All the animals are slain the morning of tjhe day so its all pretty clean, the raw cow was lik
Bushstyle in Samburu Land

Bushstyle in Samburu Land

As I write, a group of Samburu and Borana women, covered with endless amounts of bead necklaces, bracelets and earings, are having a meeting a few meters away…some cows belonging to the Samburu tribe were stolen by young warriors from the Borana tribe, guns got involved, and Police officer got shot two weeks ago. Hence, elder groups of both tribe

Bits and pieces from Ethiopia and Kenya

Too many times there’s been amazing images and stories which the camera wasn’t able to capture… - Night walk on the streets of the Ethiopian side of Moyale… Barely any electricity around, a few lights here and there in hotels. The streets all look dark, but candles are discretely shining everywhere. It’s a candle-lit street of shops along


Hello from Kenya! We've made it past the treturous grips of Moyale boarder , through the black stoned dessert- untouched by bandits or the infamous rains and to the dusty town of Masabit (sp?) where we have rested, found faster internet than in Ethiopia and filled our bellies with Sadza. Lovely. We had read so much on the net about the trip being a


This is Freedom?, on film, by Steve Saines
From Kenya to Uganda

From Kenya to Uganda

Well, long time no see the old update on the blog, hey!Everyday I’d put it off to the next day and soon enough it'd been three months without a word! Reality is we've been enjoying life a bit too much to spend time sitting in front of a screen. So what's been happening since the last update in Mombasa?? Well, we had a whole list of places we were

Welcome to Addis Ababa

Short message to say we're all in Addis, happy and smiling! Too many crazy visions and stories to describe just now... Poverty is crazy, expected, but still quite shocked for me at least; people are wonderful to us, showing us around, bringing us to eat raw meat, chew chat, drink avocado and mango juices and Tej, a local honey beer. Goodness! But a
Bits and pieces from Kenya to Uganda

Bits and pieces from Kenya to Uganda

A few images stuck in my mind... Paddling alone at sunset in a dugout canoe on a saltwater wind, not a wrinkle on the water, red and orange reflections, making my way back to our candle-lit wooden sail boat on which we are all staying for the night. A man is sitting in the gutter on side of the road covered in plastic bags from head to to