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Tags associés : [capacity planning], [script]

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Le blog de Majda LAITI
Majda Majda
Articles : 27
Depuis : 04/07/2008
Categorie : Économie, Finance & Droit

Articles à découvrir

[Compare structure] : constraints

0/3 : sql.bsq usefull information /* please check this on sql.bsq file -------------------------------- 1 = table check, 2 = primary key, 3 = unique, 4 = referential, 5 = view with CHECK OPTION, 6 = view READ ONLY check 7 - table check constraint associated with column NOT NULL 8 - hash expressions for hash clusters 9 - Scoped REF column constraint

[Datapump] : good use of IMPDP

HIDDEN CONTENT 1) clean target schema if FULL import.(check recycle_bin=off) drop user XXXX cascade; 2) clean NOT RUNNING datapump jobs set verify off define job= SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_04 exec DBMS_DATAPUMP.STOP_JOB (DBMS_DATAPUMP.ATTACH('SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_04','SYS'),1,0); on same cases, drop table "owner. SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_04" ; 3) Explore datapumpfil


HIDDENT CONTENT 1) Que faire : Importe le dumpfile dans la base locale en FULL. Si la taille du dump dépasse 20G, le script recrée les indexes et les constraintes en dehors du impdp Dans tous les cas, le CODE est crée après, pour éviter le message "ORA-31684 Object type...already exists" Il exclue les statistiques, à cause du BUG, a

[Collection scripts] : Additional scripts for data collection

HIDDEN CONTENT dba_tab_modifications v$bh dbms_stats.GATHER_SYSTEM_STATS dba_segments #-- Majda monitoring 00 * * * * /home/ora102/majda/mod.ksh #00,30 * * * * /home/ora102/majda/mon.ksh 0 * * * * /home/ora102/majda/ log=/home/ora102/majda/mod.log > $log exec >> $log exec 2>> $log . ~ora102/.bash_profile snap_mod_table

[Compare structure] : Tables & columns

HIDDEN CONTENT --> Compare tables --> Compare column_name ( could be extented simply by adding column_id, data_type, DATA_LENGTH) No matter about position, type, lenght of the columns prompt comparaison TABLES select '&util','Miss', table_name from dba_tables where owner='AS2ETALON' minus select '&util','Miss', table_name from dba_tables where owne

[Script] : Useful script for monitoring

HIDDENT CONTENT #--rman backup 00 20 * * 0-5 /home/ora102/TOOLS/DBA/ archivelog 00 20 * * 6 /home/ora102/TOOLS/DBA/ full #--backup voting disk 00 14 * * 7 /home/ora102/TOOLS/DBA/ #-- Calcul statistics 00 20 * * * /home/ora102/TOOLS/DBA/statistics.ksh LIFE DEMOACCESS JBOSS > /dev/null 2> /dev/null 00 21 * * *

[RMAN] : master rman quickly

HIDDEN CONTENT A- Quelques notions : channel = connection between rman and instance rman can backup : database tablespace datafile archivelog controlfile B- Installation rman : voir article [RMAN] Installation C- Première connexion rman : D- Faire connaissance avec la configuration RMAN du client : rman> show all; E- Comment rman fonctionne : skip

[Graphical Interface ] : Show current database activity

In progress MAJDA Console at Monday May 17, 2010 10:37:49 ================================================= SQL: TEXTE ACCESSED_OBJ LOCKED_OBJ EVENT WAIT_S INST Duree SID USERNAME SPID TEMP_USED_M UNDO_USED_M bfhbb9pp59uap:select s.username, decode(s.status,:"SYS_B_00",:"SYS_B_01",:" MAJDA.GV$PROCESS, MAJDA.GV$SESSION, MAJDA.GV$SORT_USAGE, MAJDA.GV

[Compare structure] : indexes

HIDDEN CONTENT 1/3 Should create a table which contains the complete necessary information by row drop table t_ind; create table t_ind ( index_owner varchar2(30), index_name varchar2(30), index_type VARCHAR2(27), table_owner varchar2(30), table_name varchar2(30), liste_cols varchar2(3000), DESCEND_liste_cols varchar(100), uniqueness varchar2(9), ge