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isabelle Antena 's news

blog pour informer les fans des activités de l'artiste Isabelle Antena
PamplemousseCurieux1619616 PamplemousseCurieux1619616
Articles : 42
Depuis : 16/02/2005
Categorie : Musique & Divertissements

Articles à découvrir

Merci… ça fait plaisir.

Our rating : 9/10why is it, that when it comes to women singing breathily down a microphone, their eyes closed and their body swaying to the gentle beats of the music, that french women somehow manage to do it so much better than everyone else?? is it due to their inbuilt sexual magnetism which seeps its way into their music, seducing listeners on

Easy does it live

Isabelle antena apresenta ao vivo em portugal o seu último disco de originais "easy does it". 5 novembro - lux (lisboa) bilhetes à venda: symbiose, ticketline e lojas fnac. i will also be playing in porto the 4th of november. the band is : fritz sunderman (guitar) marco de meersman (drums) hans helewaut (sax)

Liquid sky /private parties

Liquid sky 's opening its door very soon ( xmas party ) captain axailes opens this year another place in arambol for private parties only liquid home sky

Liquid sky party

Liquid sky party last season party in europe (bruxelles) for liquid sky the next one will be in india (arambol-goa) beginning of december lots of fun coming up. come and have fun! fri 18.11- liquid sky connexion address : boaz - 58, rue du chimiste, 1070 bxl

Vvvipp at liquid sky

(by the way , someone mailed me that liquid sky was a shop in ny in the 90's , the answer to them: it was mostly a movie from the 70's , as well as an acid .. but this is another story) i'm so please to be part of the very very very important party people (title of a future song that was partly composed that night.) india is fun , liquid sky is fun

Many thanks to portugal

Many , many thanks to all the people who were at the gig at lux club (lisbon) last week , as well as the people from casa da musica (porto). the comments you send will not appear on my blog , but i can still read them in my mail box. so thank you very much for the love you sent and please carry on posting.

Bonne année

Dear friends , i 've been of line for a little while , busy preparing a new antena album. today , second day of this new year , the job is complete and i'm proud to announce that toujours du soleil is to be released in early spring by jvc for japan and ltm for europe (we are still searching for a nice company to licence it in us). i'll soon meet wi

4 stars in the mojo music magazine for camino del sol

It's time to release the follower of camino and this will be done by the end of february (more info soon) review: "this essential collection of their enture recorded output is 2005's most charming musical surprise. the route map of early 1980s indie pop is currently being rewritten on a daily basis and antena merit a chapter of their own, complemen

Released in october 2005 , this is the 5 stars review from all music guide.

Alphabet du plaisir: best of 1982 - 2005 ***** review by ned raggett covering everything from the sole album from antena the group to 2005's easy does it, l'alphabet du plaisir is an enjoyable overview of isabella antena's lengthy career, covering nearly 25 years of explorations into pop, jazz, bossa nova, and more. antena's idiosyncratic career is