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Famous Urban Fantasy Writer (actually just Writer for now *sbaaf*), Minion of our Overlord, fanart'ist, color-blind, perfect, narcissist, nuts, awsome, candlestick maker...

Ses blogs

Par Monts & Parchemins

Famous Urban Fantasy Writer (actually just Writer for now *sbaaf*), Minion of our Overlord, fanart'ist, color-blind, perfect, narcissist, nuts, awsome, candlestick maker...
hemoglobulle hemoglobulle
Articles : 231
Depuis : 18/12/2011
Categorie : Humour

Articles à découvrir

Don't be silly...

Don't be silly...

Santa is NOT going to kidnapp a member of a boyband for you. Merry Christmas 1Day Everyone ! :o) And remember : today is not about religion, today is about Christmas presents & getting fat ! *sbaaf* Now you get the all "Free Christmas Tree Hugs", right ? ;)


They'd kill me without any warning, If they took a look in my brain I would - 1D L arry S tylimson ❤ & Happy New Year by.. by the way.


A ndrew S cott ❤ You have no idea how much I love this guy Imagine Jim looking at you like this... Don't.


B romance E verywhere ❤ Every Larry shipper, every Fannibal, every Sherlockian, every Destiel lover... every fan from every bromance fandom should watch this :') Bromance, Nothing really gay about it No that there's anything wrong with being gay Bro-o-omance Shouldn't be ashamed or hide it I love you, in the most heterosexual way Chester See - Fu
Will : Did you just smell me ?!

Will : Did you just smell me ?!

Alice vient de regarder l'épisode [01x05] de Hannibal & s'en retourne à sa partie de croquet... What happened ❤ What I saw ❤ Ok. Now I need a psychiatrist !


H appiness T herapy ❤ Marry me J-Law.


❤ Question ... How the Fuck this man succed to put Abigail's ear into Will's body ?! #HateYou


O ne D irection ❤ Bonjour mes chéris, ça faisait longtemps n'est-il pas ? :o) Je vous épargne le "All Christmas kind of thing" & les blablas de circonstances (c'est qui la plus belle gentille ? *papillonne outrageusement des yeux*) pour rentrer directement dans le vif du sujet. One Direction Oui. Je sais. Et je suis même pas désolée. '' Ali


L iam O bviously ❤ Liam's girls will know ;)
Let's talk about...

Let's talk about...

The S exual T ension ❤ Between Will Graham & Hannibal Lecter... * * *