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The teacher

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Le blog de The teacher
The teacher The teacher
Articles : 175
Depuis : 07/05/2007
Categorie : Économie, Finance & Droit

Articles à découvrir

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everybody, enjoy your meal and your presents!
Spelling bees

Spelling bees

A spelling bee is a competition where contestants are asked to spell words, it's very popular in the US ("l'abeille épeleuse", une compétition d'orthographe très populaire aux USA) Here is an example with the National Spelling Bee Champion 2011: Here is a video to practice your spelling (une vidéo pour pratiquer):
What have you done today to make yourself proud?

What have you done today to make yourself proud?

Sport at heart, the official London 2012 Olympics film. Can you spot James Bond? The Euro students who came to London last October will recognize MANY places we've been to... (la vidéo officielle des jeux olympiques, y trouverez-vous James Bond ?)
Holiday Time!

Holiday Time!

Happy holidays to you all! Enjoy yourselves, take care and see you in September for a few of you :-) Congratulations to those who made it at the brevet! Take care, good luck for the future and may all your wishes come true! Last but not least, thumbs up to those who have been accepted in seconde européenne!
US Presidents (3)

US Presidents (3)

Another song, this time a rap song, about the 44 US Presidents (une chanson de rap sur les 44 Présidents américains)
Welcome back!

Welcome back!

Welcome back and good luck for this coming school year!