christophe bagonneau
christophe bagonneau
Ses blogs
christophe bagonneau
Présentation de mes travaux photographiques réalisés à Bali, Taiwan, Singapour, au Japon, en Indonesie, en Chine... Il s'agit surtout de portraits, nus, textiles et danses traditionnelles. Vous trouverez de plus des infos sur mes expos et publications.
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Littérature, BD & Poésie
Articles à découvrir
The japanese portraits series exhibited for the first time in japan, at momma annex gallery, sapporo, 2008 july 11-21.
In order to carry out the acheiropoietos series project, i started many years ago collecting old textiles from indonesia, philippines, taiwan malaysia and africa. i got so many beautiful pieces that i felt ashame to keep them hidden in my drawers. this is the reason why we decided along with the french cultural center alliance francaise of sapporo