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Renaissance & Cinema

"Renaissance and Cinema", an International Conference in Harvard University (November 10-12, 2011).
renaissanceandcinema renaissanceandcinema
Articles : 8
Depuis : 18/09/2011
Categorie : Mode, Art & Design

Articles à découvrir

About the Camera Obscura

About the Camera Obscura

Définition Terme latin signifiant "chambre noire". La camera obscura est un appareil d'optique permettant d'obtenir une image nette d'un objet dont on désire généralement faire le calque. Il s'agit d'une sorte de boîte dans laquelle la lumière pénètre seulement par un petit trou et qui est fermée à l'opposé par un papier blanc peu épais
Renaissance & Cinema

Renaissance & Cinema

International Conference organized by Harvard University and L'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales de Paris November 10, 11, 12, 2011 Harvard Yard Fong Auditorium - Boylston Hall 1350 Massachusetts Avenue CAMBRIDGE, MA 0213 It may prove extremely fruitful, though rather unusual, to draw both a conceptual and a historical parallel between
Conference Program

Conference Program

Download the PDF Program November 10 7.30 p.m. : SCREENING (Sever Hall , 102 ) A Man for All Seasons (1966), by Fred ZINNEMANN November 11 (Fong Auditorium, Boylston Hall) 1st session: From still images to moving images Chair : Professor Henri ZERNER (Harvard University) 9.30 a.m.: CAFÉ DE BIENVENUE 9.45 a.m.: Welcome and opening speech by Tom CON
Screening at Harvard : Lech MAJEWSKI

Screening at Harvard : Lech MAJEWSKI

The Mill and the Cross , by Lech MAJEWSKI (2010) Fong Auditorium, Bolyston Hall, November 11, 4.30 p.m. in the presence of Lech MAJEWSKI Lech Majewski has finished shooting The Mill And The Cross, one of the biggest Polish productions of the year with a cast including Charlotte Rampling, Michael York and Rutger Hauer. The Mill and The Cross is base
Corpus : Renaissance Movies

Corpus : Renaissance Movies

(A non-exhaustive list of) Renaissance Movies History -AUTANT-LARA Claude, Vive Henri IV, vive l'amour ! , 1961. -BLACKTON J. Stuart, The Virgin Queen , 1923. -BOROWCZYK Walerian, Contes immoraux , 1974. -BRIGNONE Guido, Lorenzino dei Medici , 1935. -CALMETTES André and LE BARGY Charles, L'Assassinat du duc de Guise , 1908. -CHADWICK Justin, The O
Screening at Harvard : Fred ZINNEMANN

Screening at Harvard : Fred ZINNEMANN

A Man for All Seasons , by Fred ZINNEMANN (1966) Sever Hall, November 10, 7.30 p.m. Sir Thomas More was the 16th-century Lord Chancellor of England who refused to sign a letter asking the Pope to annul the King's marriage to Catherine of Aragon and resigned rather than take an Oath of Supremacy declaring the King the Supreme Head of the Catholic Ch
Screening at Harvard : Ermanno OLMI

Screening at Harvard : Ermanno OLMI

Il Mestiere delle armi , by Ermanno OLMI (2001) Fong Auditorium, Boyston Hall, November 12, 5.30 p.m. The Profession of Arms is a 2001 Italian film directed by Ermanno Olmi. In autumn of 1526, the Emperor, Charles V, sends his German landsknechts led by Georg von Frundsberg to march towards Rome. The inferior papal armies, commanded by Giovanni de'

A Short Bibliography

-AUMONT, J. et BERGALA, A., Esthétique du film , Paris, Nathan, 1983. -AUMONT, J., A quoi pensent les films , Paris, Séguier, 1996. -AUMONT, J., L'oeil interminable , Paris, Lignes S.A., 1989 -AUMONT, J., L'Image , Paris, Nathan, 1994. -BARTHES, R., La chambre claire , Paris, Gallimard, 1980. -BAZIN, A., Qu'est-ce que le cinéma ? , Paris, Cerf,