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F8AFC's blog

Ham radio, HF propagation, DXCC/WAZ/IOTA, Antarctica
Articles : 988
Depuis : 01/09/2007
Categorie : Maison, Déco & Bricolage

Articles à découvrir

Some fresh news....

Hi all, Very calm DX period those days, although I worked a few new ones here and there (ET3AA on 30m, 3B8HC on 80 SSB, etc...), as well as some new IOTA's (total 664 as of today). Summer has never been a good DX period for sure, but the next season will be dense for sure with potentially 6 new ones within the next year (making my total 332...Yes,

PQ0T the chase

Update Log is now on line : Just missing 30m and 80m for the next one, HI ! 73 Ronan Hi all, Short activity from PY0/t which I had on on 20/15/10m and only in SSB..... Well, I was lucky enough since I could add from yesterday 40cw, 17cw, 12cw !!!!!! Maybe 30m but the signal was weaaaaaaaaakkkk !!!!! Let's try tomorrow morning on 30 and maybe 80m. G

O19VB ?

Hi all, All of you must know Vlad, UA4WHX, from his previous tours worldwide, from all the QSO's you have made with him, from his operating skills, etc.... But on this O19VB (Oscar 19 Victor Bravo) operation, I'm very sceptical on the reasons for such an exotic call-sign. I posted some comments on DX-World on this topic, feel free to have a look th

FW5JJ in the log on 30m

Hi all, Finally, after months of chasing, I could work FW5JJ on 30m this morning 2 hours after sunrise ! Not that strong, but not so many takers. Few calls were necessary, but that was a good one, JJ had great ears ! n°271 on 30m, let's hope for 12m now since this would be my 7th band from 40 up to 10m ! Merci JJ ! Ronan, F8AFC

North Pole wide open !

Hi all, If you have been active this morning, you must have noticed that North Pole is wide open ! It started actually yesterday with WL7E at S6 here in the afternoon. But this morning, signal strength is actualy stronger and I could work FW5JJ on 15ssb and WL7E on 12cw with...100w! Few minutes after, I heard H44MS on 10m SSB working a contest stat

QSL in the mail: 4W/G3ZEM & FT4TA

Hi all, 2 nice QSL arrived this week, each with 7 bands confirmed 4W/G3ZEM on all bands except 160/80 FT4TA on all bands except 160 and...40m. Tnx guys, that was a thrill to chase you !! Ronan, F8AFC

ZL7E chase

Hi all Quite a hard one to get on missing bands : I miss ZL7 on 80/15/12/10m.... After trying 1 hour on 15 SSB (S2 here.....), I tried succesfully on 15cw where the guy was S2 in a clear pile-up. 15min of chase, S1-S2 here but no QSB. Here is my 313th DXCC on 15m !!!!! GL to all Ronan, F8AFC

CX6VM in the log on 80m !

Hi all, 2nd new band slot of the week with CX6VM easily logged on 80m CW this morning. Quite rare on 80m, the signal was very comfortable (S5 here) and I had to call only 2 times to get through. Tnx for n°223 on 80m !!!!!! My 5th new DXCC on 80m this year in 3 months, that's cool. Ronan

My 2400th band slot? FW5JJ on 12m CW !!!!

Hi all, Each new slot is very tough, this one was hard to get indeed but enables me to reach the 2400 band-slots (yes, next goal is the mythical 2500.....) FW5JJ was hard to get on the high bands, I was actually missing him on 12m from the beginning of his operations (years ). Well, things are now repaired with JJ logged this morning on 12m CW (n°

B7/BA4TB AS094 in the log, tnx Dale :-)

Hi all, Long time since I haven't been here, sorry guys! So I'd like to start this post by thanking Dale, BA4TB, for the special words during tonight's pile-up for his expedition on AS094 (new IOTA by the way). This is rare that an operator passes a few kind words "I read your blog everyday", Dale said ! That really makes me think of updating this