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Vincent Méoc

Vincent Méoc

I have created this blog to share insights about the many opportunities that the Cloud bring. While I work as Senior System Engineer for VMware, this blog reflect my own thoughts.

Ses blogs

Automation & Operations in a Hybrid Cloud world

Blog about Cloud, Software Defined Datacenter, IT Automation, DevOps, Sustainability and other stuff
Vincent Méoc Vincent Méoc
Articles : 50
Depuis : 05/11/2010
Categorie : Technologie & Science

Articles à découvrir

Handling API Keys in Firebase Functions with OpenAI's Node.js Package

Handling api keys in firebase functions with openai's node.js package

When working with firebase functions and integrating with the openai api, i found that the authentication part were not clearly documented. many resources online provide outdated methods, so this guide aims to clarify a way to manage authentication using the .env methodology. we will be using the openai node package, version 4.0.0 or later. setting
Life and Death of an application part 5: Agility, CaaS & SRE

Life and death of an application part 5: agility, caas & sre

In the previous article, we showed how the tito application code were created how the tito application blueprint describing tito architecture were created how the sofware defined datacenter (sddc) would consume this blueprint, deploy tito and monitor it how tito would run in containers now, let's move on and bring even more agility to tito. i want
Advancing Sustainability in IT: A Recap of VMware's Green Initiatives

Advancing sustainability in it: a recap of vmware's green initiatives

As the digital landscape continues to expand, the responsibility to manage our environmental impact grows increasingly significant. vmware (now vmware by broadcom) stands at the forefront of this challenge, offering a suite of resources aimed at empowering businesses to enhance their it infrastructure's efficiency and sustainability. this blog serv
Data agility with vRealize Automation

Data agility with vrealize automation

Hi all, here is a quick blog article showing off a new capability of vra regarding disk management. this capability has pretty much been under the radar for most people while it offers great value. this blog aim to correct this. 😎 what is the value here? a number of users are interested to manipulate the data of their application in an autonomou
How VMware can help companies to reduce their Carbon emissions

How vmware can help companies to reduce their carbon emissions

Global warming keeps reaching new heights every year. that's the bad news... the good news is that companies are more sensitive to the topic and are looking for ways to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions (ghg). but it's not a trivial task and companies are looking for solutions to help them quantify their emissions and provide ways to reduce the
Diving Deep into ChatGPT: My Journey from Awe to Personal Implementation

Diving deep into chatgpt: my journey from awe to personal implementation

When i first encountered chatgpt, i was nothing short of amazed. the seamless interaction, the nuanced understanding, and the vast knowledge it demonstrated made me wonder: how is this technological marvel even possible? chatgpt representation of what chatgpt is :) my curiosity led me on a quest to understand the models that power such chatbots. i
Gestion de la log d’un cluster Kubernetes

Gestion de la log d’un cluster kubernetes

Kubernetes est l’orchestrateur de containers leader du marché aujourd’hui. cependant, malgré son immense popularité, certaines intégrations peuvent s’avérer un peu complexe, et il peut être difficile de trouver de la documentation détaillée à son besoin. c’est en particularité le cas lorsqu’on souhaite obtenir de kubernetes des
Life and Death of an application Part 4 - Turn Tito into containers

Life and death of an application part 4 - turn tito into containers

We've seen how flexible it is to consume virtual machines in a software defined datacenter in our previous article to code, design, build and run an application to quickly answer the devops challenges your organisation can have. but what if some teams are using containers instead of virtual machines? there's a good chance that a number of your dev(