David Gimelle
David Gimelle
Java Developer for more 10 years. I worked in France, Canada and Switzerland. I am contractor in London since 2010.
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I attended on the scrum day 2012, the 27th march 2012 in paris. it happend in espace cap 15 close to the seine river and the eiffel tower. at least 300 people attended to this conference about scrum and agility in france. this conference was constitued of 4 tracks and 3 worksshops. i participated in a kanban workshop organized by laurent morisseau.
The 4th october 2012 christopher marsh talked about agility in a agency environement. this event was orgnised by agile london in the aqka agency. the entrance was free like the beers and crisp. people friendly, it was a nice evening event. i was specificaly interested about his experience with continuous delivery . his main observations are : - in
Mini tutorial - faire une requête get ajax avec jquery, json et resteasy
Voici comment faire une requête ajax de type get avec jquery coté navigateur, resteasy coté serveur et json entre les 2. les sources complètes de ce projet sont disponible sous la forme d'un projet maven téléchargeable à la fin de ce billet. ajax, jquery, json, resteasy qu'est ce que c'est ? ajax : ajax est une technologie permettant de fair
I was at the agile tour 2012 in lausanne friday 12th october. a good chance to meet up with former coworkers and take time to think about agility in a quiet place, far from my office in london. there were around 60 attendee and 12 speakers. the conference was in french but it was possible to talk to speakers in english. so far i have seen : - "how
I was at the second edition of softshake in geneva this week. 2 days of presentations and demonstrations about java, agility, mobility and new programming languages. i spend 50% of my time to discovert some new features in java 7 and the jvm. i appreciated the presentation of fork/join framework in java se 7 by julien ponge. it was also my chance t
The purpose of this tutorial is to explain how to do a minimal rest application with spring mvc in a maven project. this is illustrated by the creation of a rest controller able to create, update, delete some entity computer. so in this tutorial we will use this java class public class computer { private long id ; private string brand ; private str
A little word about my current project in london : it's official. visa europe will launch a new android application for person to person payement. with this application an user in europe will be able to send money from his visa card to an other visa card. i am very happy to work on this project. it will be an very usefull and handy application. you
Voici un mini tutorial sur jboss resteasy, l'implementation de jax-rs 1.2.ga de jboss avec le serveur jboss 5.1. ce mini tutorial est directement inspiré de l'excellent tutoriel de damien gouyette : exposer un service crud restul avec jboss restasy http://dgouyette.developpez.com/tutoriels/java/exposer-service-crud-restful-avec-jboss-resteasy/ j'a
Why a nonuniqueobjectexception is thrown ? a nonuniqueobjetexception is thrown because hibernate is not able to decide what version of an entity it has to persist. in this case, it will throw something like this : org.hibernate.nonuniqueobjectexception: a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session: [com.
La prochaine présentation du genevajug est consacrée à ee6 et glassfish v3. cette présentation est faite par alexis moussine-pouchkine.