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Etudiant en Anglais à l'UAC
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Le blog de Géoffroy ADJANOHOUN pour l'Anglais

This Blog is Dedicated to the Students especially those in English Department. The Blog is at its outset and is open to Improvement so, your Suggestions and Remarks are welcome. It will be a Platform for the Department of Enhlish....
Articles : 26
Depuis : 12/12/2010
Categorie : Économie, Finance & Droit

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E 206/ ENGLISH LIGUISTICS : 2008-2009

UNIVERSITE D’ABOMEY-CALAVI–UAC FLASH – SECTION D’ANGLAIS EXAMEN DE FIN DU DEUXIEME SEMESTRE : 2008 – 2009 2ème Année d’Anglais E 206/ ENGLISH LIGUISTICS Duration : 1 H 30mn Examinateurs: AMOUSSOU & KOUTCHADE A – THEORY. (09pts) ü Here are twelve (12) statements about language and linguistics. Using your knowledge of linguistics the

Character Analysis : Godfrey Cass

Godfrey's character is summed up by Eliot near the beginning of the novel as "irresolution and moral cowardice," a state in which he continues until almost the end. Godfrey is not evil in any way. He has no desire to harm anyone; he is pained when he does so. But he does not have the courage to take responsibility for his acts nor to give up his de
Dynamisme des Respos en Anglais Face aux Problèmes de Salle

Dynamisme des Respos en Anglais Face aux Problèmes de Salle

Quelque soit la durée de la nuit, le soleil finit toujours par poindre... L'année académique 2010 - 2011 vient de commencer avec tout se retard dans la délibération des résultats de l'année écoulée surtout à la FLASH où les choses n'évoluent jamais d'ailleurs. Mais déja, des problèmes de salle se posent comme d'habitude. A la Faculté

Character Analysis : Nancy Lammeter

Nancy, like Silas, changes during the course of the story. However, her change is not the apparent result of the force of events. Rather, it is the realization of something that was inherent in her, a simple process of maturing. It is none the less believable for that. Nancy as a young girl is charming and graceful. These qualities Eliot brings hom

E 210: 2008-2009

Anglais 2ème année 2008 2009 Premier semestre / Cala + Campus Universitaire de Porto-Novo I. Etude comparée de la fenêtre de MS Word et de la fenêtre MS Excel dans le système d’exploitation Windows. II. Représentez le tableau ci-dessous et y insérez les données III. Le contenu de la cellule A1 est Nom et Prénom Le contenu de la cellule

E 208: 2008-2009

UNIVERSITE D’ABOMEY CALAVI FACULTE DES LETTRES, ARTS ET SCIENCES HUMAINES FLASH DEPARTEMENT DES LANGUES ? LITTERATURES ET CIVILIZATIONS ETRANGERES (DELLCE) EXAMEN DE FIN D’ANNEE E 208 2ème Année Calavi Durée : 1 H 30 mn Exercice 1 Dans chacune des phrases suivantes, une figure de style est illustrée. Trouvez-en le nom. 1-<<Va, je ne te haie
Summary and Analysis Part 1: Chapter 1 in Silas Marner

Summary and Analysis Part 1: Chapter 1 in Silas Marner

Once it was common in country areas to see men bent under heavy bags, weavers who had come from distant places. They were distrusted by the local people because they were not "born and bred in a visible manner." One such weaver was Silas Marner, who lived near Raveloe. His pale face and protruding eyes were fearful to small boys, and he was not muc


Critical Essays Technique and Characterization in Silas Marner Like most novelists of her day, Eliot uses an omniscient point of view — that is, she views the action from any point she finds convenient, whether from the narrator's standpoint, as a disinterested spectator might see it, or as seen or felt by any character. This viewpoint has many a

e 205 A, B, & C : Civilizations. 2008 - 2009

E 205 A & B & C : African, American and British Civilization QUESTIONS What does the group “Anake a Forty“ stand for in Mau Mau Movement ? What did that group recommended to Kenyans during the fight against British Invaders. Why were Portuguese interested in evangelizing East Africa and in engaging in trade with that part of the black continent

Character Analysis : Silas Marner

Silas is in no way a heroic character. He is not notably intelligent or courageous or unselfish. He is a product of Eliot's desire to arouse sympathy for ordinary imperfect humanity going about its day-to-day business. Silas changes greatly during the course of the book, yet part of him always remains "the same Silas Marner who had once loved his f