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Yousfi Benameur

Yousfi Benameur

Baccalauréat mathématiques élémentaires Lycée Abdelmoumen Saida. Licence en physique de l'Université Es senia Oran 1974 Ingénieur de l'Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France) - promotion 1977 Ingénieur et directeur à la société nationale de l'Electricité et du gaz ( Sonelgaz Hassi Messaoud- R'Mel-Msila)
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Visual Foxpro codes

This blog is dedied to visual foxpro lovers and developpers and retrieves some of my personal codes to help them to work with this wonderful soft.
Yousfi Benameur Yousfi Benameur
Articles : 280
Depuis : 21/01/2015
Categorie : Technologie & Science

Articles à découvrir

Working with "EveryThing" filer instant search.

Working with "EveryThing" filer instant search.

[Post 277] Everything is a free language C application making an instant search. it can be launched from everything.exe (with an INI file).this is the native can be manipulated also with command lines with ES.exe (a DOS programm). vfp can easily work with the ES command line. this is set in original everything options. for this project the f
Working with IE11 fullscreen apps from vfp

Working with IE11 fullscreen apps from vfp

[Post 279] Youtube for TV is available on PC nowadays.i find it wonderfull (no adds,configurable,..and provided with a simple url) in previous code i have designed internetexplorer.application to embed the youtube but no fullscreen because its not easy to add dynamically some controls on the youtube web page even with some created scriptings. hopef
My last post with  Visual Foxpro

My last post with Visual Foxpro

[post 280] Hello! you have certainly noticed that I have been away for a long time. Blogging as I did requires a lot of effort and willpower. I managed to post 279 times on this blog and on the theme of Visual Foxpro over a period of 4 years. I hope I helped some of you to understand and manipulate Visual Foxpro in addition to the many corresponden
build a vfp run application as windows

build a vfp run application as windows

[Post 271] this app is generated as utility an could replace the windows run (this last is fired by winKey+R ).its movable by mousedown ,but activated near the traybar. it runs on the traybar with a simple icon to click (no contextuel menu and no class systray.vcx to add). a click on icon fires the application yrun. on the yrun can type a filename,
Treeview MSComctlLib.TreeCtrl.2 used as explorer interface

Treeview MSComctlLib.TreeCtrl.2 used as explorer interface

[Post 273] this code builds a treeview interface with populated imagelist and with any directory of disc. the treeview and imagelist activeX are shipped with vfp and used communly. in treeview can: -show/hide checkBoxes - expand-collapse nodes -go top-gobottom -search for any string in treeview (with red coloring) -change fontname/fontsize-fontstyl
A PDF Reader application  built from VFP

A PDF Reader application built from VFP

[Post 274] this is a custom PDF reader based on vfp browser and automated from it exclusively. this can work with local pdfs (communly called acrobat).I used my acrobat Reader DC (version base 18.2816). Acrobat is not a friend with all softs because its based on javascript and only some pro versions can be automated. But the trick here is to use 2
Grid cosmetics part 3

Grid cosmetics part 3

[Post 278] this post continues the previous one (part1 and part2). its relative to vfp grid codes,as grid artificial borderwidth or bordercolor , vertical headers.... note: if want more grid cosmetics convert the relative cursor online to html and browse it in an embed 'shell.explorer.2' on the form with CSS styles wanted.(see previous post on beau
Building an instantaneous search filer with vfp

Building an instantaneous search filer with vfp

[post 276] vfp historically is a good searcher but with old/traditional methods as: -pointing a folder,scan/endscan,loops,strings operations... -vfp filer (with an external dll)-this dont worked correctly and make vfp crash without any alert (abandoned). -gofish... nowadays even the windows 10 search integrated in windows explorer(reappointed) seem
working with vfp native menus

working with vfp native menus

[Post 272] native vfp menus are obviously some old and somewhat obscure. in vfp language there is some supports to work with menus: 1-the menu designer creates an mnx/mnt menu and generates an MPR menu ( as a prg file),compiled as MPX file. the menu builder is a vfp system variable named _menudesigner.its an empty string as default.can be an user e
A pdf Reader with horizontal scroll page by page

A pdf Reader with horizontal scroll page by page

[Post 275] In previous post i presented a PDF reader but as native vertical scrolling position. Modern apps make readers page by page as slideshow (the pdf reader on win 8.1 have this improvment but it erased by microsoft in win10).. but how to achieve this goal? the idea is to have the pdf in separates pages and then present each page in the scree