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Biotechnologies et chimiométrie

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Biotechnologie et Chimiométrie

Biotechnologie environnementale et chimiométrie appliquées à la valorisation de la biodiversité
Biotechnologies et chimiométrie Biotechnologies et chimiométrie
Articles : 227
Depuis : 26/04/2012
Categorie : Technologie & Science

Articles à découvrir

AComDim, a multivariate tool to highlighting impact of agroclimatic factors on Moringa oleifera Lam. leaf’s composition from their FTIR-ATR profiles

Acomdim, a multivariate tool to highlighting impact of agroclimatic factors on moringa oleifera lam. leaf’s composition from their ftir-atr profiles

C rébufa, n dupuy, i bombarda, acomdim, a multivariate tool to highlighting impact of agroclimatic factors on moringa oleifera lam. leaf’s composition from their ftir-atr profiles, vibrational spectroscopy, (2021), 116, 103297 doi 10.1016/j.vibspec.2021.103297 the quality control of the chemical composition leaves of moringa oleifera lam. is fun
Authentication and Chemometric Discrimination of Six Greek PDO Table Olive Varieties through Morphological Characteristics of Their Stones

Authentication and chemometric discrimination of six greek pdo table olive varieties through morphological characteristics of their stones

Agriopoulou, s.; tarapoulouzi, m.; bedine boat, m.a.; rébufa, c.; dupuy, n.; theocharis, c.r.; varzakas, t.; roussos, s.; artaud, j. authentication and chemometric discrimination of six greek pdo table olive varieties through morphological characteristics of their stones. foods 2021, 10, 1829. 10.3390/foods10081829 table olives, t
Investigations at the Product, Macromolecular, and Molecular Level of the Physical and Chemical Properties of a  -Irradiated Multilayer EVA/EVOH/EVA Film: Comprehensive Analysis and Mechanistic Insights

Investigations at the product, macromolecular, and molecular level of the physical and chemical properties of a -irradiated multilayer eva/evoh/eva film: comprehensive analysis and mechanistic insights

Gaston, f.; dupuy, n.; girard-perier, n.; marque, s.r.a.; dorey, s. investigations at the product, macromolecular, and molecular level of the physical and chemical properties of gamma -irradiated multilayer eva/evoh/eva film: comprehensive analysis and mechanistic insights. polymers 2021, 13, 2671. polym13162671 chemically
Comparative Local Case Study of Coniferous Forest Litter of the "Pinus halepensis Mill" in Arid and Semi-arid Areas of Western Algeria

Comparative local case study of coniferous forest litter of the "pinus halepensis mill" in arid and semi-arid areas of western algeria

Zouidi m., borsali a.h., allam a. a., gros r., rebufa c ., farnet-da silva a.m. comparative local case study of coniferous forest litter of the "pinus halepensis mill" in arid and semi-arid areas of western algeria . acta silvatica et lignaria hungarica 16, 1, 2020, 39-50 les essences forestières produisent des litières qui est l'interface végé
Mapping the scientific research on the ionizing radiation impacts on polymers (1975-2019)

Mapping the scientific research on the ionizing radiation impacts on polymers (1975-2019)

N. girard, s. dorey, s.r. marque, n. dupuy mapping the scientific research on the ionizing radiation impacts on polymers (1975-2019) e-polymers 2021; 21: 770-778 (2021) a bibliometric approach allowed us to study the global research trend on the impact of ionizing irradiations on polymers from 1975 to 2019. the investigation revealed 1,015 publicat
Infra-red spectroscopy reveals chemical interactions driving water availability for enzyme activities in litters of typical Mediterranean tree species

Infra-red spectroscopy reveals chemical interactions driving water availability for enzyme activities in litters of typical mediterranean tree species

Farnet-da silva a.m., ferré e., dupuy n., de la boussinière a., rebufa c., infra-red spectroscopy reveals chemical interactions driving water availability for enzyme activities in litters of typical mediterranean tree species. soil biology & biochemistry, 114, 2017, 72-81 in mediterranean ecosystems, water is one of the main drivers of the microb