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Un blog d'anglais pour les élèves de collège, les parents d'élèves, les collègues enseignants et tous les curieux !
mrslandreau mrslandreau
Articles : 139
Depuis : 07/11/2008
Categorie : Mode, Art & Design

Articles à découvrir

Alicia Keys - Old and new

Alicia keys - old and new

An old song that i really like... "wild horses" live, feat. alicia keys and adam levine... ... and one of alicia's brand new songs, "empire state of mind" (part ii) from her "element of freedom" album. here are the lyrics :
3e - TCK Campaign

3e - tck campaign

Here are the three documents we studied in class (click on the pictures to enlarge them - you can even save them on your computer). here is the vocabulary you used to describe the documents. document 1 (click on the player to check the pronunciation): faked / photomontage / world / earth / planet / burn / fire / hand / icebergs / artic / melt / tem


"i am the master of my fate, i am the captain of my soul." official trailer of the movie invictus, directed by clint eastwood. interview with the real françois pienaar : invictus, the poem : (click on the picture above to have additional information about the poem) the movie theme song, "9,000 days" by overtone : and here are the lyrics :
Visit London

Visit london

Do you want to see more about london ? watch these videos !
2010 here we are !

2010 here we are !

I wish you all a wonderful and blasting year. all the best in 2010 !
Les pays anglophones et nationalités (English-Speaking countries)

Les pays anglophones et nationalités (english-speaking countries)

Where are you from ? i'm from france. i'm french. --> he/she is from france. he/she's french. quelques activités sur les pays anglo-saxons et les nationalités pour vous aider à réviser et vous entraîner. ---------------------------------------- cliquez ici pour associer le nom du pays à sa traduction anglaise. cliquez sur la flèche --> en ha
Kakou Remix

Kakou remix

This is a little "home-made remix" featuring elie kakou ("le prof d'anglais") - click on the picture. tell me what you think!
Merry Christmas

Merry christmas

I wish you all a marvellous christmas. may father christmas be nice to you (don't forget to leave him cookies and milk on the table and hang your stockings on the chimney...) . enjoy the day !

6e- vocabulary b1l6

Listen to these characters and revise the pronunciation : food / fruits: get a voki now! oranges / apples /pears / apricots / bananas / lemons [e] [e] food / others : get a voki now! salad / carrots / peas / fish / meat / pasta / chips / chocolate / cookies / cake / cheese [i:] [i] [i:] [i] [ei] [i:] / milk / tea / coffee [i] [i:] colours : get a v
5e - Body & Physical Description (Le corps & la description physique)

5e - body & physical description (le corps & la description physique)

Voici quelques activités de révisions sur le corps et la description physique. the body / le vocabulaire du corps pour commencer, voici de quoi réviser tout le vocabulaire du corps, avec le son ! un exercice de "matching" (exercice d'association). un second exercice de "matching", mais cette fois avec les images et le son. une grille de mots cro