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Veggie Queen

Veggie Queen

Tags associés : easy, vegan

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Veggie Queen's recipes

Vegan/Raw/Diet food recipes.
Veggie Queen Veggie Queen
Articles : 8
Depuis : 25/11/2014
Categorie : Cuisine

Articles à découvrir

Zucchini Pizza

Zucchini pizza

After several requests by my boyfriend, i finally did my zucchini pizzas tonight. this recipe is cheap and easy to do, therefore, it's a great way to make exigent kids ate vegetables! for 1personn: 1 zucchini tomato sauce or ketchup (and/or other sauces like mustard or mayonnaise...) any vegetables you want: onions, garlic, carrots, pepper, tomatoe
Potatoes Leek Soup

Potatoes leek soup

A great soup when it's cold outside, under a blanket.... best moments of winter! for 3-4 bowls: 750ml water (or more if you want it more liquid) 4 potatoes 1 leek 1 onion salt, pepper, herbs cut the extremities of the leek, wash it leaf by leaf, peel the potatoes and the onion. steam them for 40minutes. blend with the water, salt, pepper, herbs. re
Riz à la provençale

Riz à la provençale

Does it make it more authentic by keeping the french name? maybe... eat it and let me know! for 2 people: 2 mugs of rice (i used brown rice) 1 zucchini salt, pepper, "herbes de provence" (thyme, oregano...) 4tbsp olive oil cook the rice with the zucchini cutted in small pieces (40min for the brown rice so i added the zucchini at the middle of the c

Red lentils coconut curry soup

Winter is coming and soups too! here's an easy red lentils soup recipe to warm you, hot and spicy, perfect for this cold weather! for 4 bowls: 1 bowl of red lentils 1 can of coconut milk or cream 2 tbsp of curry of your choice (i use tikka massala) boil the red lentils in 1,5l of water with a pinch of salt for 20 minutes until the lentils are soft.
Leek Pie

Leek pie

I try as much as possible to eat seasonal vegetables but i wanted to change from my traditional potato leek soup so i decided to cook leek in a pie! for 1 pie: tart dough 3 leeks 1 onion soy/rice cream nutritional yeast or veggie cheese salt, pepper, herbs cut the extremities of the leeks and peel the onion. cut your vegetables in small parts and c
Peking Soy

Peking soy

Attention asian food lovers! this recipe is so tasteful and so similar to the meat version that your folks could be fooled! a great choice for a christmas meal or to convert people to veganism haha for 3-4 people: 4 tbsp agave syrup 6 tbsp soy sauce (salted) 3tbsp vegetable oil (i used olive oil to cook and sesame for the sauce) 100gr of textured s
Berries Parfait

Berries parfait

This recipe is one of my favorites for the summer plus it's really easy to do! for 2 glasses: 4tbsp of oatmeal 1 soy yoghurt 1/2 vanilla sugar pack berries of your choice, can be frozen ones. mix the yoghurt and the sugar in a bowl you have to do 3layers in the glass, 2tbsp of oatmeal then half of the yoghurt, then berries on the top. you can add d
Low-cal Chocolate Mug Cake

Low-cal chocolate mug cake

My 1st article on this blog! yaaaaaaay! i really love cooking, especially since i'm vegan and i've always wanted to share my passion so... here we are! i apologize for my english if sometimes i make mistakes, i'm french but i do english studies so i'll get better! :d i've always looooove mug cakes but they were always too greasy or too high in suga