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Fabienne Le Rue

Fabienne Le Rue

Ses blogs

Euro Class Bozel 3°

The Euro class' blog
Fabienne Le Rue Fabienne Le Rue
Articles : 20
Depuis : 26/09/2014
Categorie : Emploi, Enseignement & Etudes

Articles à découvrir

Wilhem and Louis's letter

Dear penpals, Today we're going to talk about the french school system. First, we have the "maternelle" the equivalent of Kinder Garden, it's for the the kids (between 3-5 years old). Then, this is the "primaire", they are older than the "maternelle". They have from 6 to 10 years old. There is the "collège" too. Like secondary school. The students

Letters for penpals

You'll find below the 2nd letters for our penpals. The theme is: our town and the french school system.
Yann's letter

Yann's letter

Hello my penpal Today I’m going to tell and show you where I live through photos and a text. Therefore, I live in alittle mountain village call Champagny-en-Vanoise, where there are more or less 650 inhabitants. This is located in the French Alps. In my village, there are a church, a swimming pool and also a cinema. Champagny is a ski resort whic

Mélanie's letter

Hello! I'm Mélanie, I live in France, and I have been in the European section for a year. I'm 13 years old; I'm in 3ème, in the collège le Bonrieu, in Savoie. I love riding horses and playing drama; I love listening to music. I haven't got any brothers or sisters. I live next to a ski-resort, so, I like skiing and snowboarding. I love animals, b

Wilhem's letter

Hello everybody, I'm interested with your offer. I'm in European Class. Our project is a penpal exchange. It's a great oppurnity for us to learn English because I would like to get better at english. So my name is Wilhem Sallé, I'm 14 years old, I live in France (in the Alps) so I'm French. My birthday is on 18 September 2000. I have a big dog: I