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Le blog de fukushima-is-still-news

information about Fukushima published in English in Japanese media info publiée en anglais dans la presse japonaise
fukushima-is-still-news fukushima-is-still-news
Articles : 9512
Depuis : 12/02/2012
Categorie : Environnement & Bio

Articles à découvrir

"Green" zones in Fukushima and nuclear future in Japan

March 12, 2019 EDITORIAL: 8 years after disaster, Japan must commit to a nuke-free future When I visited the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in early February, I found that 96 percent of the plant grounds are now designated as “green zones.” You can enter a green zone in normal

What's TEPCO doing?

TEPCO takes risk over soaring costs at Tokai nuclear plant THE ASAHI SHIMBUN March 15, 2019 at 07:00 JST Tokyo Electric Power Co. and other utilities are taking a huge gamble by providing hundreds of billions of yen (billions of dollars) to restart an aging nuclear power plant in need of safety
Tokyo 2020: The radioactive Olympics (IPPNW)

Tokyo 2020: The radioactive Olympics (IPPNW) Tokyo 2020 - The Radioactive Olympics In 2020, Japan is inviting athletes from around the world to take part in the Tokyo Olympic Games. We are hoping for the games to be fair and peace

10th ruling in favour of plaintiffs Japanese court awards damages to Fukushima evacuees March 26, 2019 (Mainichi Japan) MATSUYAMA, Japan (Kyodo) -- A Japanese court on Tuesday ordered the government and Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. to pay a combined 27 million yen ($245,300) in damages to more than 20 peop

Ikata 3

March 15, 2019 15.03.2019_No53 / News in Brief Japanese Court Rejects Call To Suspend Operation Of Ikata-3 15 Mar (NucNet): A Japanese district court rejected today a plea from local residents to suspend operation of the Ikata-3 nuclear power


22.03.2019_No58 / News in Brief Japan Survey Shows Increase In Support For Nuclear Plant Restarts Plant Operation 22 Mar (NucNet): Support for restarting nuclear power plants in Japan has increased to 27 % in 2018, up about eight points

End of March 2019: Time to stop this blog

End of March 2019: Time to stop this blog I have been collecting and spreading information on the Fukushima disaster for more than 8 years. More than ever I am convinced that the name of my blog « Fukushima-is-still-news » was aptly chosen. Or perhaps i should have called it « Fukushima should still be news ». What i’m getting at is that i kn

Fukushima rice rebounds as "industrial" rice

March 20, 2019 at 07:10 JST March 20, 2019 at 07:10 JST As fears linger, Fukushima rice rebounds under anonymity By DAISUKE HIRABAYASHI/ Staff Writer FUKUSHIMA--Shipments of Fukushima rice have rebounded since the 2011 nuclear disaster, but Masao Matsukawa, a rice farmer in the prefecture, is no
1 million tons and counting

1 million tons and counting

March 19, 2019 Fukushima water headache: 1 million tons and counting THE ASAHI SHIMBUN The crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant reached an undesired milestone on March 18: Storage tanks at the site now contain more than 1 million tons of radiation-contaminated water. The announcement by the pl

Foreign trainees again

March 22, 2019 at 11:00 JST Foreign trainees housed in hazard area, unaware of tsunami risks THE ASAHI SHIMBUN MINAMI-SANRIKU, Miyagi Prefecture--Young women eat and sleep under the same roof of a building standing all by its lonesome in the middle of a quiet harbor here. When the sun rises, the