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Philip Ferrere

Philip Ferrere

business minded CIO
Tags associés : blockchain, iot, lyon, multiculturel

Ses blogs

Digital Transformation Made Simple

Redirection du site : veille active et expertise de la transformation numérique
Philip Ferrere Philip Ferrere
Articles : 843
Depuis : 09/12/2014
Categorie : Entreprenariat

Articles à découvrir

RT @babgi: Mais quand va-t-on se réveiller ??

RT @babgi: Mais quand va-t-on se réveiller ?? La contribution de l'Europe en brevets dans six technologies à fort potentiel (l'effondreme… Philip Ferrere (@ph69fe) December 30, 2022

RT @Azure_France: Et si on utilisait Dum-E, le...

RT @Azure_France: Et si on utilisait Dum-E, le 🤖 de Tony Stark ? Et s'il tombait en panne à cause de l'usure de ses pièces? La maintenance… Philip Ferrere (@ph69fe) December 30, 2022

RT @aselipsky: #CloudComputing skills training...

RT @aselipsky: #CloudComputing skills training opens up new opportunities, including second chances. #AWS Philip Ferrere (@ph69fe) December 30, 2022 Julian Blair knew nothing about cloud computing when he became incarcerated in a Washington, D.C. jail more than two years ago. "I'd never done anything with a computer besides

RT @Azure_France: Comment Microsoft & Amadeus...

RT @Azure_France: Comment Microsoft & Amadeus ont-ils mis en place une gouvernance API 2.0 pour délivrer des centaines d’API par an? Repéro… Philip Ferrere (@ph69fe) December 30, 2022

RT @Azure_France: Dans cette session, Daniel Roth...

RT @Azure_France: Dans cette session, Daniel Roth présentera les nouveautés pour les développeurs Web Core dans .NE… Philip Ferrere (@ph69fe) December 30, 2022 ASP.NET supports industry standard authentication protocols. Built-in features help protect your apps against cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request f

RT @DockerTrends: 10 #DevOps tools you should...

RT @DockerTrends: 10 #DevOps tools you should learn in 2023 #docker #dormosheio #kubernetes #terraform Philip Ferrere (@ph69fe) December 30, 2022 Posted on Dec 29 * Originally published at on Dec 29 Are you looking to boost your career in DevOps in the coming year? Want to streamline your workflow an...

RT @giswqs: A comprehensive list of open...

RT @giswqs: A comprehensive list of open #geospatial datasets on major cloud computing platforms (#AWS, #EarthEngine, #PlanetaryComputer) a… Philip Ferrere (@ph69fe) December 30, 2022