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Christophe Cael

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Christophe Cael
Christophe Cael Christophe Cael
Articles : 62
Depuis : 01/08/2014
Categorie : Photographie

Light 3D

By Christophe Cael
Christophe Cael Christophe Cael
Articles : 17
Depuis : 31/05/2015
Categorie : Technologie & Science

Articles à découvrir

Version 1.11

Version 1.11

Light 3D 1.11 is now available on the store. Enjoy !
New version available on the App Store.

New version available on the App Store.

Included in the release 1.10: - Updates for the latest iPhone and iPad. - Possibility to change the color or to set a photo to customize the background of a scene. - Fixed a possible crash when rendering in 4K.