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"What my grandmother said"
Sky's the limit... Sky's the limit...
Articles : 250
Depuis : 11/01/2008
Categorie : Mode, Art & Design

Articles à découvrir

Grandmother's sunday

Grandmother's sunday

"a day to remember... celebrate the sunday dinner tradition with these hearty dishes, all featuring a fresh twist on the classics you love. one day, my grand-mother said, i quote: "sunday clears away the rust of the whole week.
The autor

The autor

"o ne day, one life. i've never been in jail. i've never been prosecuted for a felony, or even a misdemeanor. i have no children, legitimate or otherwise. i've never declared bankrupty. i've never been married, or stolen someone's wife. ibrush my teeth everynight before i go to bed, even if i'm drunk, which doesn' happen too often. i always floss,
A day in the life

A day in the life

One day, my grand-mother said : "i read the news today oh boy about a lucky man who made the grade and though the news was rather sad... well, i just had to laugh."
Grandmother singing Christmas

Grandmother singing christmas

"a day to remember... a special christmas family meal is traditionally an important part of the holiday's celebration, and the food that is served varies greatly from country to country. some regions, such as sicily, have special meals for christmas eve, when 12 kinds of fish are served. in the united kingdom and countries influenced by its traditi
Grandmother's school

Grandmother's school

"a day to remember... a school is an institution designed for the teaching of pupils under the direction of teachers. most countries have systems of formal education, which is commonly compulsory. in these systems, students progress through a series of schools. the names for these schools vary by country (discussed in theregional section below) but
Grandmother's Holidays

Grandmother's holidays

"a day to remember... a holiday is a day set aside by custom or by law in which normal activities, especially business or work, are to be suspended or reduced. generally holidays are intended to allow individuals to celebrate or commemorate something of cultural or religious significance. holidays may be designated by governments, religious institu
The Andrews Sisters

The andrews sisters

"s howbusiness... 'don't sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me, till i come marching home...' the close harmony serenading of the andrews sisters was the epitome of the sound of the forties. my grandmother said, i quote : "what a beautiful song!"


"j uly 1946, a casino de paris dancer models the sensational new "bikini" at the molitor pool in paris. two years later, it was a glorious summer, and a wonderful time to be showing off new "swimwear", although in those days, you called them "bathing costumes". the bottle of wine, camera and binocular case indicate that this is one of bill brandt's
Grandmother's dance hall

Grandmother's dance hall

"a day to remember... dance is a type of art that generally involves movement of the body, often rhythmic and to music. it is performed in many cultures as a form of emotional expression, social interaction or exercise, in a spiritual or performance setting, and is sometimes used to express ideas or tell a story. dance may also be regarded as a for
Grandmother smile

Grandmother smile

"dear i came to carmaux because i wanted to make a difference. but to change for others is to lie to yourself. my grandmother lived by her own definition and would not compromise that. not even for carmaux. i dedicate this my last editorial to an extraordinary woman who lived by example and compelled us all to see the world through new eyes. by the