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Blog de la Section Européenne

Productions et activités des 4° et 3° du Collège Val de Rosemont
La section-euro-giro La section-euro-giro
Articles : 208
Depuis : 14/03/2011
Categorie : Emploi, Enseignement & Etudes

Articles à découvrir

Titouan, Antoine & Luc: Let's talk about our presentation...

Last week we had to do a presentation about the « Restos du cœurs ». We did a 10-minute presentation in our class so it was easy. We liked to do it! The problem is that the pupils didn't really understand our message but we hope some of them did it. We think we could have improved our pronunciation of the vocabulary. Anyway, we hope they will gi

Marie-mathilde, Cyntia, Mathilde: 'Our presentation was a difficult exercice'...

Last week we had to do a presentation about the 'Restos du coeurs'. It was easy because the pupils were my friend but it was difficult too because the text was long . We liked doing our presentation, but we didn't like to talk in front of the whole class! The message was effective and we think that the pupils understood . I hope the pupils of our s

Laura and Violette: 'Our feedback on our presentation...'

It was easy to look at the pupils in the class. It was not complicated to learn our text and to know it by heart but it was difficult to speak loud and slowly however, the pupils were attentive. We didn't like when we forgot a little part of our text. The pupils understood but they didn't react or ask any questions. In conclusion we can say it was

Camille and Marie: Let's give a feedback on our presentation...

We think that it was quite easy but the beginning of the presentation was difficult because we were stressed! We liked doing it because the pupils listened to us very carefully! They were very quiet and attentive! It was difficult because we had to look at them while we were talking and we now realize that we needed to speak louder and that we were
Here are the results of our food donation by Camille & Marie

Here are the results of our food donation by Camille & Marie

Thank you everybody ! On the first week of February, you gave : Pasta : 2 kg 500 Cereals : 1 kg 500 1 jar of jam Dairy products : 900g Tinned vegetables : 43 kg Prepared meals : 17 kg Tinned fruit : 11 kg Soup : 5 L & Dry soup : 6 packets Tinned fish : 1 kg 840 Soup : 5 l Coffee : 1 kg 250 Cocoa powder : 3 kg 200 Flour : 2 kg Sugar : 3 kg 500 Rice
Mathilde: Let's have a look at vegetables...

Mathilde: Let's have a look at vegetables...

Hi everybody! My photo is about vegetables. On this photo you can see two tomatoes, one leek, one zucchini, one turnip, radishes, one onion, three carrots and two cauliflowers. I eat vegetables at dinner and sometimes at breakfast! Every week we usually eat salad but we rarely eat zucchinis. Salad is my favorite food but I don't really like turnips
Violette: I've chosen to work on grains...

Violette: I've chosen to work on grains...

Hi everybody ! On this photo we can see two baguettes of bread, some rice, lentils and pasta. In my family, we eat bread and pasta every week. We often eat rice but we never eat chickpeas. I took this photo in the kitchen. That's the end of my presentation! Thank you everybody. Violette
Brahim  & Arthur : 'It was a good experience!'

Brahim & Arthur : 'It was a good experience!'

Last week, we had to do a presentation about the food donation we organised this week for the charity « Les restos du cœur ». We're feeling not so bad about it ! Our presentation went quite well. It was easy to learn the text but it was dificult not to be stressed and we liked the pupils who were attentive! In conclusion, we can say that it was
Camille: 'Tea is my favourite drink'...

Camille: 'Tea is my favourite drink'...

Hi everybody ! I drink a lot of tea. It's my favourite drink! I drink green tea and black tea. In my family everyone drinks tea. I usually drink tea about fifteen times a week. I sometimes drink apple juice, I really like apple juice! I drink apple juice twice a week. When I go to Belfort I sometimes drink hot chocolate. It's yummy! I drink milk be

Julien and Victor: It was easy and difficult at the same time...

We did a 10-minute presentation in the class of 3°C. It was easy and difficult at the same time to learn the text. We are feeling really happy about it! The pupils understood our presentation. But we didn't really like to go to school at 8.30 because we usually take our first lesson at 9:00 on that day!! We looked very serious when presenting beca