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Badiller Charles

Badiller Charles

Ses blogs

Plip Plop CharlesBad

Charles Badiller. Actuellement en 3e année aux Gobelins - CRFA 2015 - Diplômé de l'école Pivaut en Dessin d'Animation [2011]
Badiller Charles Badiller Charles
Articles : 80
Depuis : 27/12/2009
Categorie : Mode, Art & Design

Articles à découvrir

Demoreel 2014

Demoreel 2014

Et voilà, bilan de l'année en animation, voici ma démo 2014. mise à jour il y a peu, mais surtout aujourd'hui privée de son mot de passe. ha, et, si tout se passe bien (le stress monte), je pars en stage aux studios walt disney animation à los angeles cet été !


Here is a group of portraits i've submitted to an online gay magazine with no success, but i'm publishing them here so they won't fall into darkness haha.
Acting & Lipsync 2D-3D

Acting & lipsync 2d-3d

Very last exercise (technically...?) for my last year in gobelins. then, graduation film!
COIL - Annecy 2014

Coil - annecy 2014

Hey, here is, finally, the opening short movie for the international animation festival in annecy, 2014, i've made with 4 team mates. and then the making of my parts of it. don't forget to read the credits on the screen to know who did what, if it wasn't me. et voilà enfin le court métrage d'ouverture pour le festival international du film d'anim
CRFA2015 - Khorkhoreh - VFX exercise

Crfa2015 - khorkhoreh - vfx exercise

Here is my vfx exercise done in 3 weeks with magali garnier, julie robert, mansoureh kamari and pierre butet. (vimeo accounts in the video description on the platform) khorkhoreh (pronounced "rrhorrrhoreh" with a deep r sound for the "k") is a made up farci word which could mean in this situation "who eats a lot" or "who likes to eat" i have done t
SHUDŌ - Graduation short film

Shudō - graduation short film

There you go, it's been almost a full year i haven't updated this blog. i was working on shudo from december to early june. starting in a team of 7 students, splitting mid january to finally only be 3 to finish/redo the project. here it is, along with my making of. i have a tumblr, if people prefer/like it -- and we mad
CG Animal Walk Cycle

Cg animal walk cycle

First exercise of this last year at gobelins. walk cycle and optional (quickly tried) trot.