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Belize Animals

This blog gives informations about the animals that are found in belize.
Alois Alois
Articles : 5
Depuis : 23/04/2007
Categorie : Tourisme, Lieux et Événements

Articles à découvrir

Vermilion Flycatcher

Vermilion Flycatcher

Here is another bird, a Vermilion Flycatcher: Its scientific name is Pyrocephalus rubinus. Other names: El Diablito (Spanish name), Moucherolle vermillion (French name). I will record its "voice" as soon as possible. Habitat: Towns, villages, pine savanna, fields. Is it found easily? Yes, mostly in the East-north-east two thirds of Belize.
Yellow-headed parrot

Yellow-headed parrot

First of all, welcome to my new blog about the animals of Belize (Central America). I will begin by introducing this bird, the Yellow-headed parrot: Its scientific name is Amazona oratrix. Size: Its size is about 37 centimeters. "Voice": It imitates the noises of other animals and the human voice. Where it lives (habitat): It lives in the canopy an
Keel-billed Toucan

Keel-billed Toucan

This is another toucan, a Keel-billed Toucan : Its scientific name is Ramphastos sulfuratus. Other names: Toucan à carène (French name), Pito Real (local Spanish name). Habitat: Canopy, in broadleaf forests and near forests (forest edge); often found in fruit trees, but it can eat small birds as well: the parents of the toucan's victims are too f
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird

Rufous-tailed Hummingbird

I saw this hummingbird in the garden, while I was eating outside with my family. It is a Rufous-tailed Hummingbird : It is similar to the Buff-bellied Hummingbird, but its belly is grey. Its scientific name is Amazilia tzacatl. Other names: Ariane à ventre gris (French name). Habitat: Found in plants that have flowers, and its nest is made in tree
Collared Aracari

Collared Aracari

Here is a bird that we saw a few months ago, in our house's garden, a Collared Aracari: Its scientific name is Pteroglossus torquatus. Aracaries are from the family of toucans, the Ramphastidae. Other names: Medio Pito (Spanish name), Aracari a collier (French name). I will try to record its "voice" next time I see one. Habitat: Secondary jungle, b