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Le blog de sharepoint-on-line

Site pour les passionnés de SharePoint ou les administrateurs désirant mettre en oeuvre SharePoint.
sharepoint-on-line sharepoint-on-line
Articles : 12
Depuis : 06/04/2011
Categorie : Technologie & Science

Articles à découvrir

Sauvegardes SharePoint 2010 en utilisant un script PowerShell.

Sauvegardes SharePoint 2010 en utilisant un script PowerShell.

Créer le script, en voici un example: Ce script ajoute les CmdLets SharePoint Puis il crée une variable $date contenant la date La troisième commande sauvegarde la ferme complète, dans notre cas, l'option -verbose n'est ici absolument pas nécessaire puisque ce script sera lancé par tâche planifiée Cette commande extrait la liste des reperto

Live Chat: Special SharePoint Chat Announcement

Do you have tough technical questions regarding SharePoint for which you're seeking answers? Do you want to tap into the deep knowledge of the talented Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals? The SharePoint MVPs are the same people you see in the technical community as authors, speakers, user group leaders and answerers in the MSDN and TechNet forum

Résoudre l'erreur: "The super user account utilized by the cache is not configured."

SOURCE: The domain\superuser account needs to have a User Policy set for that gives it Full Control to the entire web application. In order to do this you perform the following steps: Go to Central Administration Go to Application Management Go to Manage Web Application Select the web applica