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I am a versatile Jamaican writer who loves reading almost as much as writing. I enjoy a really well written novel and hope to add my own novels to the best seller's list one day soon
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Le blog de georgia

A Blog that covers a wide variety of areas for the avid reader!
Gee Gee
Articles : 42
Depuis : 09/10/2011
Categorie : Économie, Finance & Droit

Articles à découvrir

Lime Cay- Kingston’s Natural Spa

Lime Cay- Kingston’s Natural Spa

 Way off the beaten track, Lime Cay is an uninhabited island south of Kingston. Take a short ferryboat ride, fifteen minutes tops, from Port Royal and visit scenic Lime Cay, Kingston’s natural spa. Picturesque white sand beaches, beautiful clear seas and just the right amount of foliage to enhance the unchartered feel of Lime Cay. Welcome to L

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Good Eats in Kingston, Jamaica

Good Eats in Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston has no shortage of excellent dining options to fit every palette and just about every budget. From fast food to Chinese to Indian, Kingston’s dining is as diverse as our people are. There is something to suit everyone. After careful consideration, a selection of some of my all time faves was chosen. Bon appetit! 1.  Indies Pub and Gri
Hybrid Cars- Do they really work?

Hybrid Cars- Do they really work?

Hybrid Cars- Do they really work?  2011 Toyota Prius Automobile giants like Toyota, Honda, Ford and Volvo are embracing hybrid cars as the new wave of the future. With Carbon emissions dangerously on the rise and climate change and global warming the hot topics on everyone’s lips these days, the old gas-guzzling monster car has gone ‘green
KFC chicken recipes

KFC chicken recipes

Who doesn't enjoy a nice, hot, tender piece of KFC chicken? The KFC recipe has long fascinated and frustrated people as they tried to capture the magic that is KFC chicken. With prices soaring, let's take a stab at creating our own version of KFC food. Here are a few great KFC recipes. KFC recipes Ingredients: 1 whole chicken cut into 8 or 9 pieces
Kotor, Montenegro

Kotor, Montenegro

Kotor, Montenegro is a unique destination for the traveler who can appreciate excellent architecture. Kotor offers a bold, visual display of unique designs featuring Baroque architecture and churches that were built as far back as the 14th century. One of Kotor’s most noteworthy features is the fact that Kotor, Montenegro is situated on the only
Five ways to make money from the Internet

Five ways to make money from the Internet

There are lots of legitimate ways to supplement your income online. Some choose blogging, others try affiliate programs that offer ways to get fast money. Still, others collect money for surveys that they fill out for quick cash. Whatever your preference, get the best money making ideas online in this article. These have been tried, tested and are
2011 Honda Pilot: Review and Rate

2011 Honda Pilot: Review and Rate

The 2011 Honda Pilot is ranked at 17 out 23 in affordable mid-sized SUV ratings. It has been widely reviewed by every car expert you can think of. Like any other vehicle, it has its strengths and weaknesses but the true value of any car can only be judged after it has been tested. Let's discover what the 2011 Honda Pilot is all about in the review

Haircuts for Men

Men have become increasingly trendy over the past decade, no longer the fashion-challenged novices, today's man is a roaring Metrosexual. These New Age men have changed their more conservative styles to include styles such as the popular " Mohawk", the " Pompadour", the " Mullet" and other such hairstyles have found their way back to men's fashion.
Foods high in Potassium

Foods high in Potassium

Potassium is a very important nutrient, which is essential for healthy bodily functions. Low levels of Potassium or hypokalemia is a condition that is suffered by a growing number of people worldwide. These people often complain of muscle cramps and sometimes even more serious complications, which can affect the heart. The symptoms of hypokalemia i