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Kanard JV

Blog d'info Jeu Vidéo et pop-culture. Critiques de l'actu - vidéo et podcast.
Kanard Kanard
Articles : 78
Depuis : 10/04/2008
Categorie : Jeux & Jeux Vidéo

Articles à découvrir

Chapter 7 - Opertation Flashpoint

Chapter 7 - Opertation Flashpoint

Three weeks that we are planning our move on this position. Crawling through fields, one yard at a time, making sure we took out any scouting party we met. We have managed to stay undetected and we should be able to see the enemy base right about now... *SHOT* Oh, of course they saw us from three miles away without binoculars in the middle of the n
Chapter 1 - Spelunky

Chapter 1 - Spelunky

My lips dried and cracked by sand, with the desert stretching behind me, I strode valiantly toward my destiny, and vowed to return victorious... Every time I go back, it seems a new thought is crossing my mind. I delve into those deep caves once more hoping to make it past my previous point. My trusty whip cracks at every corner as I fight bats, sn
Chapter 8 : Warhammer 40000: Dawn Of War 2

Chapter 8 : Warhammer 40000: Dawn Of War 2

The fate of the Blood Raven Chapter is in my hands. The handful of elite troops I have is all that stands between glory and oblivion. No Ork Nob can stand between us and everlasting glory in the name of the Chapter and the Emperor. The Techmarines have briefed us on the drop we are about to make. Untold billions of Tyranids are turning our recruitm
Chapter 3 - Burnout Paradise

Chapter 3 - Burnout Paradise

300 MILLION MPH! What do you mean "not even close"? I'm pretty sure I was going faster than the speed of awesome right there. Humph, whatever, I don't actually care about how fast I was going, it was fast enough that I felt the hair on my neck stand up. Have you seen that crash? Lord that was impressive. I don't remember feeling actual pain when a

Preface - A Licence to Explore

I remember... I was just enjoying an other day of playing great games and letting time gently slip by. Nothing special was on my agenda and I was thankful for it. Controller in hand I was messing around in a game I cannot even remember the name of today. Funny that since I am pretty sure the thing that happened then would be worth telling. As I tri
Chapter 3B - Afterdrive

Chapter 3B - Afterdrive

I remember a light. Powerful and soothing. Was it a crash? It must have been, I'm all banged up. Where am I? An unknown junk yard in an unknown city, the fate of all cars in the end. But maybe it's not what I though, I drove half a mile and found that repair station, and here I am again, brand new, my engine roaring of pleasure, I launch myself in
Chatper 6 - AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! : A Reckless Disregard for Gravity

Chatper 6 - AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! : A Reckless Disregard for Gravity

Your jumps are not about Art They are about a reckless disregard for Safety Your jumps are not about Culture They are about a reckless disregard for Regulation Your jumps are not about Science They are about a reckless disregard for Gravity Jumping from a building literally floating in mid air, hundreds if not thousands of mile above... emptiness i
Chapter 2 - Red Faction Guerilla

Chapter 2 - Red Faction Guerilla

What is a hammer for? Building. Breaking. Smashing. On Mars, a hammer is for everything. You work with it, you walk with it, you speak with it. It's used for building a better world, they say. It's used for diplomacy with the EDF. It's used for levelling buildings to the ground and nailing people to doors. It's used for opening a path to freedom. R
Chapter 5 - Starcraft

Chapter 5 - Starcraft

When I signed up, I thought I would do tours on the border colonies and see the worlds. I was assigned to a little shit hole od a planet with not much of anything to fight for or be proud of. The people on that rock just lived their lives the best they could, working hard to turn the badlands into something they would be happy to call home. The loc
Chapter 4 - Animal Crossing

Chapter 4 - Animal Crossing

I'm always a little worried when a perfect stranger starts to talk to me on the bus. After all, there is no way to know if the guy is not going to turn out to be the biggest jerk, and usually if he is, he will make sure that everyone in the bus hears what he has to tell you. But here, it's a little different, I'm the new guy in town and that guy ju