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InMaLanka's blog

All the news of the N.G.O InMaLanka in India, in Madagascar, in Sri Lanka and in Paris
InMaLanka InMaLanka
Articles : 82
Depuis : 23/09/2009
Categorie : Lifestyle

Articles à découvrir

Heroes Race: the story of Magali!

This year, InMaLanka goes again to the Heroes Race. Since three years this race takes place in several parts of Europe at different times of the year. It brings together associations from diverse backgrounds and heroes, a lot of heroes. In France, it is organized by KCO and Alvarum. But, who are these heroes? They are women and men who are over-mot

Women's day

To our girls at the Little Angel School and Kegalle orphanage, to our wonderful teachers and team, thank you for your strength, your smiles, your happiness. Happy women's day to all of you, thanks you all for your support !!

Action Bowl of rice - School Notre Dame des Forges (Tarnos, France)

March 26 th , 2013, the children from the primary school Ecole Notre Dame des Forges ( Tarnos , France) helped by the teaching staff have made a bowl of rice operation. Each children from the Pre -KG to the Vstd brought his/her lunch to school, the money for the canteen being donated this day to the NGO InMaLanka . Following this action, the Presid
News from India: internship of Morgane

News from India: internship of Morgane

Hello everyone! Over time, the building of Little Angels School has deteriorated. Monsoon rains, the cyclone of 2012 and the years caused some damages. Water infiltrations caused deteriorations on a school wall. Noting this damages, InMaLanka decided to undertake some work. So we repaired the damaged wall and we completely repainted the school. We
Tournons Le Monde

Tournons Le Monde

Audrey Destang and Antoine Barczewski, students at ESSEC, stayed a week at the Little Angels School. Within the framework of a partnership with the student association "Tournons Le Monde", they shot a documentary about the school that you will discover soon! Tournons Le Monde realizes documentary of humanitarian organization around the world. Faceb

Carbon neutral!

InMaLanka is doing its best to respect the environment. At the Little Angels School, India, children have to separate their wastes and we set up a green garden. But, we have a blog. And this blog has a carbon footprint. For now, the number of pages read since its creation bring its footprint to 56.5g. But, how a blog can generate CO2? The carbon em
Sri Lankan cinema: Autonomy and commitment of the new generation

Sri Lankan cinema: Autonomy and commitment of the new generation

The University Library of Languages and Civilizations (BULAC) and the NGO InMaLanka, in partnership with the Festival of Sout Asian Transgressive Film (FFAST) and the research book Sri Lanka & Diaspora, organized a meeting on the Sri Lankan cinema on Thursday January 23rd, 2014. BULAC invites you, from 2:00pm to 6:00pm in the auditorium "Poles des
Heroes Race

Heroes Race

By running the race, Magali collected 500 euros! A big thank to her, and to all of you who supported her!
News from the field

News from the field

Hello everyone! As promised, some news of my internship! Here it's getting very hot: 37 °C, 40 °C ... That's why it is the school holidays. The academic year will begin on June 5th for the Little Angels School. I am currently studying quotations to make the school beautiful when the children will come back. Indeed we will redo the painting at Lit
Haydn and Beethoven, by the Quartet Monticelli - Concert in favour of InMaLanka

Haydn and Beethoven, by the Quartet Monticelli - Concert in favour of InMaLanka

On May 26th, the quartet Monticelli, formed by four musicians from Paris Opera, will perform a benefit concert in favour of InMaLanka. This concert will occur in the frame of "Les Petites Saisons de la Roquette", event organized by the association Culture Espérance Programme Quartet in G Minor op. 74, Sol Mineur op. 74, Joseph Haydn Quartet in C M