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Barbier Xavier

Barbier Xavier

Tags associés : grammaire, lexique, songs, sequence 3e

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English4you :Le blog de Barbier Xavier

Travailler en s'amusant c'est possible !!! Exercices d'anglais pour travailler les bases lexicales et grammaticales. Séquences d'anglais collège clés en main ! Activités anglais interactives
Barbier Xavier Barbier Xavier
Articles : 43
Depuis : 10/07/2008
Categorie : Emploi, Enseignement & Etudes

Articles à découvrir

Séquence 1 4e LV2 Meeting

Here are some questions you can ask someone when you meet for the first time : Let's practice with these oral comprehension activities : click on the links below ! link link link link link link
9/11 Memorial

9/11 Memorial

The architect Daniel Libeskind was tasked with creating the first design studies for the site. This led to the creation of his 'masterplan' for the whole area - which remains the foundation of what is taking shape. Other architects have been commissioned by the developers Silverstein Properties, to work on the individual buildings. They include Bri

3eme CO Rockwell

Pour pratiquer la Compréhension Orale, voici un court documentaire sur des réalisateurs de films inspirés par le travail de Rockwell :
Bonfire Night

Bonfire Night

Watch this movie extract from V For Vendetta and try to guess the character who is referred to. What is the date given to illustrate his purpose ? What happened on that day ? Watch these two videos to learn about the Gunpowder Plot : Answer these questions : 1) Who was Will Danby ? 2) Can you remember any of the names of the plotters ? 3) Why were

Apprendre les bases lexicales et grammaticales de l'anglais c'est possible même en s'amusant grâce à English4you. Retrouvez tous les cours et activités ludiques pour apprendre efficacement et ... Le Blog a maintenant fait peau neuve !!! Retrouvez le ici !

Séquence 1 4e LV2 School Objects

Click on this link to learn your vocabulary : Classroom objects. Practice your vocabulary by doing these activities : link link Then, watch this video and click on pause when you want to check if you have good memory !
Frankenstein mashup !

Frankenstein mashup !

Have a look at the genuine extract and try to understand the content of the dialogue : Now, watch this mashup ! This is the task you will have to achieve. Be creative, and have fun !