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I'm an au pair in Massachusetts. I do this blog with my videos to describe what the life of an au pair looks like.

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Want to be an au pair? Here are some tips for you !
Romain Romain
Articles : 29
Depuis : 07/12/2010
Categorie : Tourisme, Lieux et Événements

Articles à découvrir

Vacances au pair : 3 raisons pour les passer aux Etats-Unis et ne pas rentrer chez soi

Vacances au pair : 3 raisons pour les passer aux Etats-Unis et ne pas rentrer chez soi

N'ayons pas peur de le dire: avoir le temps de profiter de la vie quand on est au pair c'est un peu comme quand ils écrivent ton nom sur ton gobelet Starbucks sans faire de fautes. Ç a n'arrive presque jamais. Les vacances d’un au pair sont aussi courtes et rapides qu’une ballade dans le cerveau de Justin Bieber mais elles décèlent peut êt
When should you be an au pair? When is the GOOD TIME?

When should you be an au pair? When is the GOOD TIME?

To all my friends, I think I was the only one who had finished his studies . When I was flying to NYC for the au pair school, I was 23. Waiting for my studies to finish was so hard. I did a master. It’s long. As soon as I finished it I matched with a host family in Massachusetts and burned my note book from school right away. Should you finish yo


I am always busy and running after time but I did skype a few times. With people asking me questions about the au pair experience. If you want to talk about your au pair project with me, just send me your skype contact in the comments and I'll try to talk with you and help you the best I can. J'ai fait plusieurs skype avec des personnes qui m'ont d
What's next?

What's next?

The question is: What video would like me to do now? I am back in France but there are still plenty of subjects I did not talk about (like"why English people really can't make good food?" or "why do we French people love strikes so much?" but there are not au pair subjects) Leave me a good idea in the comments. As a thank, I will send you an underw
My latest interview :-)

My latest interview :-)

Cel is spanish. She has a blog about the au pair life. And she wanted to have my interview for her blog. Here it is on the "Mi Rincon Au Pair" blog. Thank you Cel for sharing my work on au pairs. I am honored by the interest you showed me.
One touching message...

One touching message...

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there and listening, I'm not sorry for sharing anything with you because you have experience, and I felt you were the only one giving me a proper advice because you knew what you were talking about This is what I received one morning in my e-mailbox from an au pair I was talking to for weeks. Her ho
Au pair vacations: 3 reasons why you should travel in the USA and not fly back home

Au pair vacations: 3 reasons why you should travel in the USA and not fly back home

Let’s face it : having the time to relax and enjoy your life when you are an au pair is like the moments when they write your name on your cup correctly at Starbucks. It almost never happens. But au pair vacations might be the solution and be the cherry at the top of your cake : The key to be a better english speaker, grow up faster and be proud
More than 800 subscribers

More than 800 subscribers

I want to thank everyone of you for making my YouTube channel "the au pair channel the most viewed on internet". Asians, South Americans, Africans, Indonesians, Europeans, I receive messages from young people from any place of this world. I don't make any money with this channel. These messages I receive are my award. You show me that my work can b
3 things to ask to your future Host Family

3 things to ask to your future Host Family

Alright ! Let's talk on skype with your host family ! This is going to be so exciting and... WAIT ! What should you ask? - What is going to be my TYPICAL DAY? Ask them about a time schedule ! You want to know why? Because you don't want to work 45 hours every week for one year without knowing it before ! Ask about the work in itself : can the kids
Vous voulez une vidéo de présentation?

Vous voulez une vidéo de présentation?

Faire des vidéos est devenu mon métier :-) Et comme je continue de m'occuper de mon blog et répondre à ceux qui m'écrivent, autant joindre l'utile à l'agréable! Je peux faire la vidéo de présentation de ceux qui s'apprêtent à partir! Tournage + Montage (on filme l'interview ensemble, on choisit des photos, etc... Et je monte le tout) 250