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professeur certifiée d'anglais enseignant actuellement en collège.
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Keep calm! it's only English.

Blog pédagogique d'anglais destiné à mees classes du collège Laboissière de Villeneuve de Berg, 07
Articles : 19
Depuis : 19/08/2010
Categorie : Emploi, Enseignement & Etudes

Articles à découvrir

graffiti art in London

graffiti art in London

Let me show some examples of street art I saw in London on the street art tour I joined . This one was made on the door of a shop in Brick lane by C25, a French artist. This is a tiny statue we found on top of a signpost. the name of the street artist is Jonesy. He usually prepares his statues in advance and stick them to walls or signposts.. We ev
A new Banksy painting

A new Banksy painting

Here is the painting by Banksy which has been removed recently (= taken away). Click here to get more information on why they did so. It's quite interesting. By the way, the link is in French.

5émes: numbers

Je vois bien que vous n'avez pas pris la peine de venir faire vos exercices d'entraînement sur les chiffres ou peut-être n'avez vous pas réussi à trouver le site. Voici donc les excercices que vous devez faire pour réussir votre test sur les chiffres et la date. Good luck! cliquez ici
Banksy and me!

Banksy and me!

I eventually managed to see a Banksy with my own eyes! Hurray! But I also saw many other graffiti in Brick lane. I'll tell you more about them in class.


Have you forgotten you have to send me your homeworks concerning the description of Laboissiere. So far, I have only received Léa, Thomas and Raphael's homeworks. What about the others? Hurry up, I need to correct them before thursday! see you.

New listening website!

Check out this new website I've found which gives you the opportunity to listen to everyday conversations. Very interesting and useful!

Some listenings for you!

If you want to improve your oral English, here are some websites which could be really useful for you. have a look at them and come back often on this website to listen to some more English. Click here.


Voilà quelques sites pour apprendre du vocabulaire et enrichir son expression. Le vocabulaire est classé par niveau et les mots sont prononcés . Vous y trouverez aussi des quizz pour vérifier vos connaissances. Sites très dense qui propose des tas de jeux pour apprendre du vocabulaire (synonymes, argot, expressions idiomatiques etc..). A fouil
Scotland says NO!

Scotland says NO!

Scotland has voted and It will remain British. (hope = espoir) Here is quite a funny cartoon I found on the New Yorker. It gives you an idea of American's opinion on Scottish music.